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Waited too long to plant up

Being my first year growing from seed I wasn't sure when to transplant from the jiffy pellets. So I was waiting until the first true leaves came along. I wasn't paying much attention to the roots. Well, some of the plants have roots coming through the netting of the pellet.

I had intended to remove the netting based on several recommendations. I know there are others that feel leaving the netting in place will not hurt them. I'm not trying to rehash what has been discussed already.

If I were to remove the netting and disturb some of the roots, how bad is it really? How badly will they be set back? Or will they not recover at all?

I may just remove as much of the netting as I can without breaking any roots and see how that goes.

I have a minimum of 8 weeks until plant out. I can easily wait 10 weeks if I need to.
snowmanaxp said:
I may just remove as much of the netting as I can without breaking any roots and see how that goes.

First time I used those I left them on and when I pulled the plants that winter, many of them had a short stubby center root. Last year I cut around the exposed root with scissors so as not to break the tip and the roots looked much better when I pulled them up at the end of the season.
Breaking a few roots won't hurt, it's like cutting the growing tip at the top, they'll bush more. That being said, you don't want to break a lot of them. You idea of cutting around the webbing to disturb the root as little as possible is a good one.
I've always removed the netting and yes some of the roots have broken off, but overall they have always recovered.
Thanks all. There weren't as many roots poking through the netting as I had originally thought. So i removed them as carefully as possible and planted them in 9oz cups.