Want to try a Bahamian Goat Pepper

I've been watching lots of reviews and reading lots of infromation about lots of different peppers and from what I've seen, I really want to try a Bahamian Goat Pepper.  My issue is that I seem to be coming into this hobby during the down season.  Does anyone know how I might find one of these fresh pods?  Will I be forced to wait until summer?  Any input is appreciated.

it might be a bit hard to find anyone right now and i dont see as many people growing that one as much as others
its a great pepper no doubt, but if i were you i would get some seeds and get started now, i do the same thing with the ones i like because unless i grow them myself i cant be guaenteed that someone else will have them, but themn again i like a few of the obscure varieties, im just strange like that
maybe check with one of the venders from the warmer areas of the US they may be able to help if they have them
thanks your friend Joe
rebelgrower3 said:
Might try sending Dshlogg a message i got some from him a while back he might have some left. I have seeds if you need some.
Do you still have any seeds you'd be willing to share? If not, do you know anywhere online that sells them? Seems like a very well liked, and unique pepper... Having a hell of a time finding some...