chinense Wanted: Pictures of nagas/bhuts

Looking for some better pictures then are currently out there. Mainly showing the different sizes of nagas/bhuts or any variation growing in pots or the ground. Preferably with pods.
I wouldnt call these better pictures but none the less they are pics of Naga Jolokia's

Off topic, sorry! but where did you get your wilt question answered? I have one myself and no one seems to find the headline interesting enough to look at it.
My problem was too high of temps for my potted peppers, causing them to mildly wilt. No discoloration or leaf drop like your situation seems to be. From what I know fusarium wilt is caused by soil that has it, so you are pretty much screwed. Some plants recover from it on their own if they show signs of it when more matured. Ride it out, and fix the soil problem is all I can say. I have a family friend who owns a plant business and they ended up answering my "concern" for some of my potted peppers getting droopy after being in the sun. Good luck, wish I could be of more help.
phil - I agree w/ Slinter thats a tree, it'd be nice to grow them that big but we dont have the great weather as you do for growing big plants nor do I have a indoor setup. so I have to settle for under 2' plants.

as for the chiles looking different, I guess 1 plant couldnt handle the sun vs the other ? & it turned the pods/stems/branches blackish
chilehunter said:
as for the chiles looking different, I guess 1 plant couldnt handle the sun vs the other ? & it turned the pods/stems/branches blackish

My current chilis look like carbon copies of yours. Here's what my 1st harvest looked like:

I used the seeds from these chilis to get my current plants. I'm discounting cross-pollination because i'm getting the correct shape now. What do you think caused the variation in pod shape between then and now?
phil - that sounds really strange that the 1st-2nd crop of pods are totally different shape from each. I have no clue why it'd do that ? I dont know if you were asking me thinking I'd know but I'm still learning more about growing chiles & tomatoes.
theres several others here that know alot about growing them maybe they'd know ?

I'm confused some, the pics I've seen of naga jolokia's pods they're shown just like mine (thin narrow type) but you say your 1st crop was more of a rounded type (from your pic link)
I dont know if you read my posts fast or just got confused from the names, like I do when it comes to these strains since they flip the words around & share half of the name with another strain Ex naga jolokia/naga dorset/bhut jolokia/dorset morich/naga morich/etc... kinda confusing IMO

when I said about the one plant turning kinda blackish, I was talking about mine.

so you're saying that pic of the chile plant (tree) is a naga jolokia or a naga morich ? or are they basically the same strain just named different ?
chilehunter said:
so you're saying that pic of the chile plant (tree) is a naga jolokia or a naga morich ? or are they basically the same strain just named different ?

My plant is a Naga Morich because I got the seeds from someone who got them directly from Bangladesh. My impression is that the Indian Naga/Bhut Jolokia is a different strain but still a cousin of the Naga Morich. I hope to make the trip to Assam, India later this year or next year ($ permitting) to settle this issue.