wanted WANTED: Red (ripe) jalapenos

It is amazing how shafted we are on the east cost. When I lived in Austin I could buy many types of peppers by the pound year round and red jalapeno was one of them. The only red jalapenos I see here now are ones that got over ripe after being bought green :) 
It`s odd, but we get lots of peppers in the stores. Jalapeños are usually 69-79 cents a pound, but we NEVER see ripe red ones, only the green.
Nigel said:
It`s odd, but we get lots of peppers in the stores. Jalapeños are usually 69-79 cents a pound, but we NEVER see ripe red ones, only the green.
A I'm assuming the peppers at the store are ripe? But they as well are green? I can still check though
In Chicago we're hit or miss on ripe peppers - seeing most of them during the summer.
I can get red ripe fresnos from my Sysco rep for $45.10 a case/10lbs.  Red ripe jalas are harder to find.
I can and have substituted fresnos for jalapenos. Very similar heat and flavor but for our Cranberry Pepper Spread, I would really like to use jalapenos.
So two stores and both have only green jalapenos
but did see the Fresnos peppers at one but let me know what you want to do
I have a hard time finding them even in Summer here.  Every once in a while they show up at the grocery stores and I usually buy all they have.
I'm inclined to agree with JayT- look like Fresnos.