wanted wanted :

Yeah I know , I didnt see any seeds ... But the rest of his products look gr8 , I was ganna ask about the hot sause , but no reply on the pm yet. What do you recomend from his products ?
Tex, in all seriousness, ANYTHING you order from Dan is fantastic. His Grounds for Divorce, b-3 (C-Cubed), Fiery Pineapple jelly, His Spicy Honey Mustard, Fire on the Mountain, Strawberry Scorpion Sting etc, the list goes on and on. You CAN'T go wrong with Dan, just order one of everything. They WONT last long, I promise!
Thanks AJ , for some reason I tought I could pick'em up at the local home depot.... Hey I understand their the hottest of the jalapenos is that right ?
they are the hottest I have tried so far...and the wife loves them....

you usually can get them at HD, Lowes, or Walmart...I know they had them last year and I bought about 10 packs so I didn't have to buy any this year and probably won't have to buy any next year either...using the year old seeds still sealed in their package, I got 18 plants out of 18 seeds
Well thats why I want some , Ive always been a jalapeno fan..... We do something down here called "jalapenos toreados" witch is grilling them with out being stuffed or bacon , we let it get burned up..... And we belive it makes the jalapeno much hotter , I really wana try some billy bickers like that .
Found that out , when I went up there to visit you armac , that HD on 10th was the last one to check...... And no couldnt find them there.
We usually have them here too but haven't seen them this season. I have seen the seeds for sale too, again, not this year. I was hoping to get some too.
I dont know nubster , looks like online for billy bikers is the way to go.... Check out the link AJ posted .