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Warm temps ahead

For those of use that have been experiencing colder than normal temps, relief is on the way.


Hopefully the warmer temps come in and stay here. Want to get this growing season into full swing. Has been too cold to do anything much outside with the peppers.

According to the article is has been on average 13 degrees colder than it was last year for this time. This weekend and into next week it is supposed to be in the 60's.
I hear ya, have had my plants out for about 10-12 hrs over the course of 3 days. Had 2 days back to back a few weeks back and then one day this past weekend.
Have plenty to do this weekend getting the garden ready, have the manure spread already and gunna be turning that into the soil. Just need to get some chicken wire and some bamboo for stakes. Get the fences setup and I am ready to plant.

Bring on the warm weather
Ouch that sucks. What is it supposed to be there this weekend? We are looking at highs in the mid 60's here around Harrisburg
They just revised the one for the weekend. Yesterday there were saying highs in the 60's this weekend, now it is highs in the upper 50's