Warning Points

What AJ posted was not informative.

I don't understand your reasoning....the original question below is what I responded to with the link explaining the system upgrade about the warning points...unless I misunderstood his comment (which is entirely possible)

I've just noticed on a thread to which I contributed that I've got 0 Warning Points. I think it's just appeared, and nobody else on the thread got any mention of Warning Points. Well, zero seems like a good number to have, but why did I get singled out for this honor. I can't find anything about this, so perhaps someone can explain it to me. Thanks, Tom
My question looked for specifics, penalties associated with number of points and expiration of given points. His post simply said all old points were removed.
Can't we just add more spice for the spixcenxet??


Posting this should result in warning points. All of them.