news Warthog

Matthew Arthur's Warthog seems to be the newest and by far hottest strain. Check out last week's “Chase the Heat” episodes with Johnny Scoville... Keaton West and Jimmy Pickles also have taste tests on YouTube and come to the same conclusion. Jimmy Pickles' video is definitely not for the faint-hearted though... :lol: If you send a self-addressed envelope to Matthew Arthur, you can actually get free seeds of one of the two phenotypes. You can also buy seeds from Jimmy Pickles' Etsy store. Interestingly, you are only allowed to sell the variety if you donate the proceeds to a children's charity.
I find this super-interesting because Johnny describes the burn as unique and extremely long-lasting. But if you look at the sliced fruits, they don't even look special, quite the opposite. I'm just wondering whether the oil might have a different consistency (“stickiness”) or whether there might be a new capsaicinoid in it. Warthog is a cross between M.A. Wartryx and 7 Pot Primo. And Wartryx was bred from a baccatum/chinense cross. Baccatum-specific synthesis pathways could theoretically interfere with the biosynthesis of capsaicinoids.
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I'm just wondering whether the oil might have a different consistency (“stickiness”) or whether there might be a new capsaicinoid in it.

My understanding is that the Warthog is actually a 5-way cross. According to the Internet, the Wartryx is a Trinidad Scorpion x 7 Pot Jonah x Ubatuba Cambuci. Now crossed with the 7 Pot Primo (a Trinidad 7 Pot x Naga Morich cross) to create the Warthog. So who can say what the 5-way genetic combination has wrought?😀 Maybe there really is something novel about the capsaicinoids in the Warthog. Or maybe it just has more of them. I hope someone has it tested at some point, it would be interesting to see the results. It is also interesting to me that the two hottest available peppers according to Johnny Scoville, the Warthog and the Primotalii, both have 7 Pot Primo genes in them. Makes me think that there might be something special about those Primo genetics.
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As you can only cross two strains at a time, I would actually conceptualize this as a no-heat Ubatuba Cambuci (= Bishop's Crown, Nepalese Bell etc.) crossed and then backcrossed once or twice with a superhot chinense (depending on the original order of the Wartryx crosses).
I did a literature search: there are actually several trace capsaicinoids that have not yet been tested for pungency organoleptically (e.g. 4,5-dehydrocapsaicin). Maybe one of these is hotter than capsaicin and has become a major capsaicinoid in the Warthog.
Maybe one of these is hotter than capsaicin and has become a major capsaicinoid in the Warthog.


For anyone interested, here is all of the info on the free Warthog seeds. I've already sent my SASE out, shared this with a few friends, and now I'm sharing it here. I will definitely be growing these next year, and I really hope they make for some killer chile flakes.