food was in the store the other day....

my dear sweet loving wifey of mine told me to get some chips at the i said to myself......self.....wouldnt it be cool to get some dip to go with the chips......and then i said to myself..self...yes that would be awsome. so i am looking at the dips in the refrigirator section and i see something new.....and i said to myself....self......what is this???
there is a company i dont know if its local or nation wide called "deans" most of the time i buy the french onion dip...well yesterday they had a new dip.....rosted red jalapeno dip. so of course i purchased some and ate it last night.....personaly i liked it and was wondering if anyone else has tried this. as it pertains to recipes i was thinking of mabey coreing out some jalapenos filling it with this dip and wraping them in soon as i get that done ill let yall know how it was or is or was.....well you know what i mean.
I have had Dean's Dips before. Pretty decent, sour creame based. I'm not sure if I've had the red jalapeno one but if it's a sourcream based dip it might just drip out of the stuffed pepper on the grill. You could mix it with some bread crumbs and cheese to help keep that from happening.
You need to use a "Chili Grill". You can stuff the peppers with just about anything you can create, and it won't leak or melt out of the peppers.

I've had one of these for about 3 years now and we use it frequently. My favorite stuffing is mixture of cream cheese, crab meat, tobasco, and spices. Stuff the peppers, pin some bacon on them, put em in a holder like the Chili Grill, cook em with indirect heat on the grill and Voila!!!! I started with a 12 hole model and after two uses went and bought a 24 hole model.

Great appetizer for football game parties. Here's a link for the one I bought.
I keep seeing the ads for the chile grill in the magazines, and wondered if it were worth it's weight... From the looks of it, I could just have Michael design one in the shape of our logo, easy... What's it actually made from? Hopefully NOT aluminum.
Tina, it is made from stainless steel. It is about 3/16'' thick, and holds up well. I've bought several and given them as gifts to people that come over when I've served them and couldn't quit talking about the peppers.
mikeyinokc said:
Tina, it is made from stainless steel. It is about 3/16'' thick, and holds up well. I've bought several and given them as gifts to people that come over when I've served them and couldn't quit talking about the peppers.

I'm going to have to look a little more into this. The big question is whether or not it really makes a difference to roasting the peppers, I've never had a problem with that, but if it improves it... That's something else.
Bubba I would definetly thicken up the stuff. Maybe some cream cheese, would add to the flavor and give it some backbone as well.

I have also seen the chili grill and wondered. Tina, I would love to find outif you could get one in your logo, cause that would be really cool.

Hey, speaking of cool stuff with your business name on it, I finally got my "Chili Man, my chili can beat up your chili" ball caps in!!! Coolio!!! I would post in a photo, but am still a complete spaz even with the great advice you all gave in the post with Darlo (and his groin) and the faces thing.

Anyhow, cream cheese and maybe some shredded velveeta (mmmmmm, fake cheese)

Tina Brooks said:
I'm going to have to look a little more into this. The big question is whether or not it really makes a difference to roasting the peppers, I've never had a problem with that, but if it improves it... That's something else.

Tina - With a pepper grill you get easier clean up and evenly roasted peppers. Plus if your doing the fancy bacon wrapped route, the bacon grease will evenly coat the peppers - but even with all that the grills are only worth it if you roast a lot of jalapenos (standard sized grills on hold these - habaneros fall through).