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seeds Washing Pepper Seeds and drying?

Usually I dry pepper seeds on paper plates, naturally over a week or so.

I have put some seeds into small ketchup cups, to dry. but there was a bit of placenta stuck on them still.

Whats your recommendation for drying? I have never been big on washing seeds, but I guess I can, I see seeds from trades that are very clean.
Whats the process or cleaning... how warm water? or just cold? I don't want to kill them.

Also, my cayenne peppers were not turning red so picked a few, do you think they have viable seeds in them? The seeds look very large, and the peppers are over 6-7 inches long.

on a side note, I have some store Jalepeno peppers, they are green, do you think the seeds inside are mature enough to save and try to plant, I know cayenne and Jalepeno are both unripe at green.
The pod being green does not mean that NONE of the seeds will be viable, but the germination rates are MUCH higher with ripe pods, but as far as harvesting seeds goes just pull the seeds out of the pod, put them on a paper plate put them in a cabinet and let them dry. If there is a little bit of the placenta on them it isnt that big of a deal... Hope this helps! :cheers:
That's the way I had done it previously, I pulled some superhots out and didn't want to mess with the placenta and its some hot stuff.. LOL...

I put them on the counter and put a light over them far enough to keep them a few degrees warmer then normal.

I think the placenta started to detatch, in the past few hours. Once its better I will put it on paper plates
as hillbilly said, seeds from ripe pods have a much better germination rate than seeds from green pods.

Jalapenos are really common, you can get them from reputable growers/nurseries for ...like...$$2 for a big packet..... is there a reason you would go to the effort to harvest/dry seeds from an ordinary green jalapeno other than "because it can be done?"?

The green chile pods can be ripened by putting them in a brown paper bag for 3-10 days. Supposedly (I've not tried this personally, but is supposed to really help) put a fresh apple in the brown bag with the chiles to accelerate the ripening process.

For the placenta bits attached to seeds- I didn't worry about anything like that for the seeds we saved from last year and we had excelelnt germination rates. It might not be so pretty for selling/etc/ but I don't think it has any effect on germination. jmho, I'm not a pro-grower. Others may know that the membrane is detrimntal........
The color of the pods will ripen in a bag because of trapped ethylene gas, but I don't think the seeds will continue to mature. If you pick the pods in the later green stage, most or at least many of the seeds should germinate but its always best to be patient and wait for them to completely ripen for seed saving