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Wasn't even trying to sell pods. "Pepper people Rock"

Made an interesting sell of pods today. Had some random guy come knocking on my door. Saying he'd been eyeing my plants evertime he drove by. Was shocked he actually knew what they were. Most in these parts steer clear. Well after looking over them. An his jaw hitting the grown with just the little variety I have. He ended up buying 10 pods for $10. He ended up getting him some red moruga's, yellow brains and chocolate ghosts. Said he wanted to be a repeat customer. Apparently he said there's some kind of market around here for them. As said wasn't even trying to sell. Grow for my own hobby and sharing.
Very cool Justin!!
I love when I meet new pepperheads! 
I showed some beautiful pods that Prodigal gave me to some master chefs at a restaurant I was working at last week,,they didnt seem to care! :neutral: most folks dont even know about heat!
it's cool as hell when someone knows about your passion!!
Yea it was a pretty cool transaction. Was somewhat taken back. But it was cool to meet a local chilihead. An he was just in ah like he had found the motherload. He even took pics of the plants. It's an awesome feeling when something you raise and baby from seed to fruit. When some one out of the blue appreciates it as much as you.
And this is what I came home to today. Fresh salsa samples. Made from each pepper they got. Pepper people truely do ROCK!!!

Boost313 said:
Yea it was a pretty cool transaction. Was somewhat taken back. But it was cool to meet a local chilihead. An he was just in ah like he had found the motherload. He even took pics of the plants. It's an awesome feeling when something you raise and baby from seed to fruit. When some one out of the blue appreciates it as much as you.
Keep an eye out for pics of your plants on the internet.  Cool return on the salsa!