
im wondering are wasps helpfull? there are a couple nests around my house and there always flying around my plants they have  never stinged me for some reason. and are bees helpfull? i got a couple of bees also and  i know that the flowers self pollinate so do bees just cross my peppers and ruin my seeds for next year? 
i was thinking of this because i accidently caught a bee in a jug and was deciding to kill it or not but i let it go. i got some yellow ghosts doughlahs and morugas right next to eachother and i really dont want them crossing. should i call a pests guy to take them out?
they wont cross until you plant the seeds from the crossed flower pod if you need some seeds for next season you can tie a silk bag or breathable material over a flower until it is pollinated and turns to a pod then take the bag of and save those seeds
Wasps are beneficial in basically one way. They kill other insects and catapillers (Some of which that may be harmful to your plants.) to feed their larvae. wasps are not the least bit interesed in flowers, as their legs are not made for collecting pollen like honey bees and bumble bees.
Threehundredc said:
they wont cross until you plant the seeds from the crossed flower pod if you need some seeds for next season you can tie a silk bag or breathable material over a flower until it is pollinated and turns to a pod then take the bag of and save those seeds
yeah but the problem is that most of the flowers are set already and i cant be sure which one is crossed and which one is not
As mentioned, wasps won't harm plants nor distribute pollen.
As for crossed flowers, try to isolate a few unopened flowers very soon, this way they can form pure pods & seed before your season ends.
Here's a thread that explains how to do it: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32354-plant-isolation-techniques-to-prevent-open-hybrids/
Edit: I stand corrected about wasps not being pollinators, more info posted below. You learn something new every day.
newpeppergrower1105 said:
yeah but the problem is that most of the flowers are set already and i cant be sure which one is crossed and which one is not
But you are in Kalif. You have plenty of time. Just wait until you see new buds and isolate them before they open. 
they wont be pollinated if they just appear and are still a little ball once they open up they expose the pollen so you have like a week or 2 to catch em
HP22BH said:
Wasps are beneficial in basically one way. They kill other insects and catapillers (Some of which that may be harmful to your plants.) to feed their larvae. wasps are not the least bit interesed in flowers, as their legs are not made for collecting pollen like honey bees and bumble bees.
Not sure where you guys are getting your info but wasps are most definitely pollinators... not just according to experts but also in my garden every year.  In my area  honey bees are rare except where beekeepers colonize them, and the bumble bees are too large to land on pepper blooms so all I have is wasps and tiny sweat bee looking things (much smaller than sweat bees are supposed to be and I've seen no indication they are attracted to sweat) that may not even be bees at all, and yet I have very good pollination rates.
Flowering plants attract wasps that feed on their pollen or nectar.  While they are not "as" efficient at pollination as bees due to having less furry bodies, they never the less can't help but move pollen around when they move from bloom to bloom.