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water watering question

So i moved my older plants to 1gal grow bags, and have been bottom watering. It takes a while for them to soak up the water they need now. Could i change to top watering for them, or should i stick to bottom watering till they go out side? They are over 2 months old( a few weeks older), have a fan on them, and have them under a 4ft t8 with 2 6500k lights. Also in pro mix ultimate organic, can post a pic if that will help later
what about sticking a 1" tube with holes running the length, in cheese cloth or a nylon and putting that into the growbag? that would give you bottom, middle and top watering, plus when you fertilize, you would be sure the nutrient would be hitting all levels of root.

good luck.
Plants in the wild dont bottom water and they seem to do just fine.

Very true, most plants do fine in the wild w/o bottom watering. But, its recommended at the early stage of growth to reduce the chance of fungus,and encourages root growth. You see in the wild plants have adequate wind and ventilation to help prevent such things. Pepper plants can be pretty particular about living conditions.

I probably should also add that when bottom watering the young plants. The plants roots absorb only the amount of water they need, so you dont have to worry about over watering.