weather man got it wrong. LOL

Well I been watching the weather and last few days was showing it be about 39F but it was about 45F, that was all good for me and my plants.. Well last night they started out saying 41, then 39, but it really got down to 26F plants frozen but I think covering up two of them,, might saved them so I can dig them out and re-pot them and get them into the little Greenhouse to over winter, Others I think some there's no chance. :(   
I am in Northern Cal,  just went out and picked a bunch of peppers Bell's, pepperoncini and super hots most of the Super hots are still green.  Also a nice bag of Tomatillo's I hope to make some more salsa Verde, out of I hope frozen ones will work??.  I will try Smoking the ripe pepperoncini's but not sure what to do with all the green ones or if smoking frosted ripes ones will work. lol  I haven't even started picking all the Tomato's.  What a mess LOL
Mr. Hill said:
I am in Northern Cal,  just went out and picked a bunch of peppers Bell's, pepperoncini and super hots most of the Super hots are still green.  Also a nice bag of Tomatillo's I hope to make some more salsa Verde, out of I hope frozen ones will work??.  I will try Smoking the ripe pepperoncini's but not sure what to do with all the green ones or if smoking frosted ripes ones will work. lol  I haven't even started picking all the Tomato's.  What a mess LOL
where in nor cal ?