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Weather Rant!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :hell: , for the love of god STOP RAINNING! We've had one soid week of rain, and another solid week of rain coming, we've gotten 14 or so inches in April and May is starting off exactly the same. I actually had to pump my pool out because it was very close to overflowing.....How am i supposed to harded off my plants if there is no SUN! Sorry for the rant just really sick of this rain....Although i guess i can't complain, i could be in tonado alley.
It might not be so bad if it would at least warm up a bit too. Continued lows of 30's and 40's wont let me even attempt to get anything outside.
I don't recall a planting season in recent memory that has been so difficult.
I've got 120+ seedlings (stashed around various rooms in the house) starving for some sun and warm/dry weather.
...and we're supposed have a low of 34 degrees here on Wed....3 days before the Kentucky Derby.
Boy oh boy...wish I had access to a greenhouse.
Yea I'm having some regrets about tossing everything outside already. With all the rain, wind, and variations in temperatures, the garden peppers just look sad and yellow. And I can't even try to harden off my backups if death takes hold of any of my peppers.

Here's to a good summer to make up for this crappy spring.
Same situation here. Only been able to harden off for a couple days at a time. Pretty small looking seedlings overall but I'm sure the warm days are around the corner. Wish we could share some of this rain with you folks down in Texas...
Depends where in TX.... Had rain the last two days and it's going to again all day today. Last two night I've been woke up by waves of hail. Both cars have been damaged and my garden has been set back probably a month. Squash, beans, and okra look like I took the weedeater to them. Onions and tomatos look good somehow. The big one is my Caribbean Habs and Bhuts got cut down big time. Now all the seedlings that are ready for transplant are as tall as them...... Planted them out a month ago but you couldn't tell now.
:onfire: Its crazy! this is the most rain i have ever seen in Ohio. IT needs to stop so I can start tilling. I have about 300 seedlings going. :flamethrower:
I believe it is time to cover the garden. Light sun still produces some UV rays to help harden and it stays warm in there.
I actually have the heat on in my house and have had it on since yesterday afternoon..it is 47 here and raining like woody says...2 3/4" in the last 24 hours...that's way cool...leaves us still about 2-3 inches below the years normal...and we sure do need to fill the reservoirs up down here...if you look at all the big lakes around DFW...that's our water supply...and some damn good fishing too...
it's cloudy and 65 here but the sun pokes through here and there, I just set my larger plants out for an hour or so to get them a little sun at least, hopefully the cold won't bother them.
Depends where in TX.... Had rain the last two days and it's going to again all day today. Last two night I've been woke up by waves of hail. Both cars have been damaged and my garden has been set back probably a month. Squash, beans, and okra look like I took the weedeater to them. Onions and tomatos look good somehow. The big one is my Caribbean Habs and Bhuts got cut down big time. Now all the seedlings that are ready for transplant are as tall as them...... Planted them out a month ago but you couldn't tell now.
Its crazy how it can be 95 outside, then im waking up at 5 am and having to run outside in the hail and rain to save my plants from almost certain disaster. Id love more rain, just not like that lol. Nature, you scary!
Same thing up here in southern Ontario. Rain, Cold, Wind...Shit! The long range forecast doesnt look to special either. Plant out will be late this year :(
Rain, must be nice I haven't seen any rain since last summer. I've forgotten what thats like, its been 220 days since the last time we had rain.