Website FINALLY UP!!!

After building up a line and getting feedback I finally have a site up.

I want to thank my woman Jen for standing behind me and helping tremendously with the site. Things that take me 5-10minutes to do in HTML she wizzes though.
I also want to thank all those who encouraged me to keep going.

Feel free to check it out. KneppersPeppers

Until February 28th prices for forum members will each remain $1 less for each listed on the website(so they will stay the same as on my sales thread on here JustAGuyMakinHotSauce) Just PM me on here to use the lower prices.


"Heat is wanted, but flavor is desired."

Enjoy the burn
JUST PEACHY! Great selection of sauces, Blueberry sounds like a funky find, great job and glad to see you doing what you like, it's very inspiring...
The site looks good and your sauces are GREAT!
I think the website will help you get more business.
Good luck and keep up the good work.