labels-artwork Website for Creating Custom Sauce Labels?

     I've been printing my own labels for my hot sauce bottles and they've looked pretty decent.  However, printing them myself basically means that any moisture that gets on them (like saucy fingers coming back for more) ruins the outside packaging. The ink runs, stains form, and everything just generally looks bad.  I recently did a tour of a brewery and the owner brewed us some fresh bottles off the line, took out a roll of new stickers, and stuck them on each bottle.  They were translucent and already cut perfectly to size on a rather large roll (maybe 1000).  Does anyone know of, or even already use, a site where I can get my own made up without having to buy expensive label paper and ink that can hold up against moisture?

I apologize if this has been answered on here before.  I didn't find it in my few minutes of searching. I'm still generally new to the site.
Laser printed labels hold up pretty well. I use regular Avery or other brand labels in 6- 8- or 10-up per page, depending on the bottle size for short runs. Avery has free templates for all their labels. Do your own designs, set it into the template, rock out the colors....

Then save it to a flashdrive, take it to the local print/office supply store. Have them print to the Avery label stock with their really good color printer.
I got 100 2" x 3.5" vinyl labels from for $26 shipped - so about .25 cents a label. Work good on a 5oz woozy bottle: