marketing-promo Website launched

Well I'm all in now. After a year of planning, alot of hard work and a significant decrease in my bank account lol, my dream of Wicked Pepper is finally come to. Im growing peppers and making sauce and selling locally and now online. Part of me could of spent another year perfecting everything but I was so anxious to finally,
getting my sauce out there. Thanks again for THP, an invaluable resource for anything hot sauce.

I welcome everyone to check out Wicked Pepper and let me know what you think
WP - 
A few years back I read a book from the guy who started Subway called Start Small, Finish Big.  One of the best lessons in the book was 'Ready, Fire, Aim' - specifically detailing that its more important to actually get some traction and get the dream off the ground rather than waiting around till everything is 'perfect',  Rarely are things ever perfect, and ever more rare that they're perfect for long.  I'd recommend that book along with the E-Myth Revisited as excellent reading for early entrepreneurs.
Website is well thought out and put together.  UI and navigation is easy and I especially like the DIY graphics.  I'd encourage you to add a paypal option for checkout, as I'd have ordered a bottle of your fresno just now if that were available.  
Best of luck with building your dream buddy!
Good job on the website but I'm going to throw a few things out before I hit the sack.  These are the things that jumped out at me.
  • The first thing I noticed was the overwhelming red.  I like red and it's my theme too, but there is too much for me.  I think a different background to the image slider and the cart items would add more contrast and make them "pop" more on the page.  You want the shopping cart items to stand out, not blend in.
  • There is nothing that says "Shop" or "Store" or "Buy" or anything someone would associate w/ a purchase. I get that the "Get Wicked" is the store, but I can guarantee some will click on it and not know what to expect.
  • When I click on the "Wicked" menu item on the top I get a styled page that looks like the home page.  But when I click on the "Get Wicked" button on the top right or in the cart items I am taken to a different shopping page.
  • On that different shopping page, the "Home" button does not work.  I can't get back home unless I use the browser's back button.  As a matter of fact, the "Home" button does not work on any page except the actual home page.
  • I love the "Wicked to the last drop" tag line
  • I love the pictures
  • However, the pictures on the right side of the home page make me think there is an article behind it.  One says "Exploring the flavor of  various peppers", but when I click to explore there is no link.  
  • The Facebook bit is nice but it shows your FB friends.  When I clicked on it I ended up on the Facebook page of someone named Colleen, not your page.  I'm sure others who are less socially inept than me would not have this problem.  I know what happens when I hit Like, which I did, but nothing gets me to your FB page, just your friends.
Overall a great job. It is a lot of work putting a website together and getting all the pieces to fit together, especially w/ e-commerce.  My website was the bane of my existence for several months.  I echo SmokenFire's comment about PayPal.  I mean it's free.  Or $5/mo and your customer stays on your website.  I just canceled an order a couple days ago for some sunglasses because they wanted me to enter my credit card info and create an account but did not give me a PayPal option.  My credit card is only in two places online: Amazon and PayPal.  This website will never be done, so don't sweat these little things.  Slowly tweak w/ time.  There will always be plenty to do.
Just my opinions.  Good luck and keep it Wicked!
Your site looks pretty solid, though I also agree there is too much red.  How about that rustic tan that you use for the back drop of some of your hot sauce labels?  I think that could look pretty slick replacing the solid red backdrop of the center of the page.
I also like that the sauces are easy to find and browse.  Though it would be nice if I could click the pictures of the bottles to bring me to their shopping page.
Additionally, if I am looking at hot sauces online the first thing I try to find is the ingredients list. Since I can't taste it through my computer that gives me the best idea of what it would taste like, and if it may interest me. That's just me though, I don't know if this is typical for other consumers. 
Octang hit the nail in the head. Swap the red for rustic brown.

I really like the carousel with the rotating pics. I have something similar implentes in my site. I also like seeing all of your products on the main page. As you add products it could start to look crowded.

With those products I can click below the image to navigate. Is it possible to make the prod. image clickable as well? That was the first place I clicked.

Good luck with the biz! The sauces sound great.