Weird leaf curling - any ideas?

Hi everyone
My 5 ornamentals (3 bolivian rainbows and 2 numex twilights) were doing just fine apart from yesterday I noticed all their leaves are slightly curled up - we didn't have anymore sun lately, in fact it was a bit more cloudy. The only difference I noticed is that I fed them up a bit now that I can see a couple of them growing pods, and this is what I used: - I only used a small ratio since these plants are still small.
Here is the smallest one of them - the leaves look the same on the rest of the plants. Should I water it with regular water to try and "wash" the ferts out? Or will they come right? Or maybe this is something different? By the way my other annuums and chinenses are unaffected although I used the same feed on them too.
Sweet thanks for that, I don't think there are any pests - i regularly check the plants and so far (hope i don't jinx it) the greenhouse is free from all bugs apart from a gang of praying mantises who I think might keep all pests at bay, lack of light - don't think that's the case, although its been a bit cloudy lately the days are much longer and its still often sunny, too much water - I only water them once they start drooping a bit, but overdose - sounds like that's it. The first time I used that bloom fert - might have been a bit too much for such small plants.
Thanks guys!
They seem to be slowly coming right. The leaves are a bit less curled up now, and the flowers still open, etc, a few pods just showing through.
wickedmike came to my house and said my leaf curling on a few plants could have been thrip, which is microscopic? I don't know, i just got pesticides to kill them yesterday so we'll see