Well, I finally made some jam

Shooty* said:
Chik hell?

Is there something we should know about?
Oops, didn't want that to slip out, Chuk...err..Chik wanted to be the first to tell you guys about the operation...sorry about that Chik Hell.... :)
I have tried Passow's pepper jam.

The stuff is a brilliant, almost neon red color that is very pleasing to the eye. He used a variety of peppers which I assume he grew and allowed to turn red and ripe which was a good move because this stuff has a fantastic pepper taste. It's a very comfortable heat level that brings a little warmth to the mouth after a few bites.

I had it on a plain crackers yesterday and crackers with cream cheese today ( my favorite way to eat hot pepper jam). Very tasty stuff with a heat level that almost anyone could enjoy.

Two quibbles: It seems just a little runny so maybe a bit more pectin may have helped. Getting the exact right amount of pectin can be tricky; to little and it's runny and too much the jelly becomes too stiff. The other thing is the abundance of seeds in here that I don't really e3njoy chewing on. Seed the peppers next time and you've got a winner Jon.

Thank you very much for the sample!
chuk hell said:
He used a variety of peppers which I assume he grew and allowed to turn red and ripe
Yep, homegrown and organic! Left on the vine to mature to a deep red.

chuk hell said:
Very tasty stuff with a heat level that almost anyone could enjoy.

chuk hell said:
Two quibbles: It seems just a little runny so maybe a bit more pectin may have helped.
Ya, I agree. I ended up using 3/4 a pack....I should have just used a whole pack.

chuk hell said:
The other thing is the abundance of seeds in here that I don't really e3njoy chewing on.
Good point. I mainly got lazy and didn't want to deseed 30 Serranos, 8 Jalapenos, 2 Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers, 6 Piquins, 6 Tepins, ,and 1 Purira. The Serranos get really hard to deseed too. But looking back, I should have at least taken out the Jalapeno and Hot Wax seeds. I was actually worried that I used too much vinegar.

chuk hell said:
Thank you very much for the sample!
No problem! I'm glad you liked it! I'll be doing a larger/different batch sometime during this years pepper season.