Well. That sucks.

It would appear that I'm involved in some sort of neighbourly dispute that I was unaware of over the length of my grass.
I woke up this morning to find that somebody had cut my lawn.  Only they didn't stop at the grass, they cut down every piece of vegetation over an inch tall.  My peppers, my strawberries, my tomatoes, the lilacs my wife had started, the elderberry bushes that were starting, etc.
No clue who did it.  Apparently it's easier to trespass and vandalize than it is to make the slightest indication that you're displeased with your neighbour's lawncare practices.
I could almost shrug it off and move on, but they destroyed my 3rd-year overwinter Trinidad Scorpions.  I'd managed to keep those things alive since I started growing, and then they die at the hands of some douche with boundary issues.
I definetly dont agree with how they went about it and they should be made an example of by swiftly choking them out ..but how bad was your lawn? Me being a lawn addict (you can see my thread in the lounge) it also bothers me to have a neighbor or two that take zero pride with their lawn let alone the appearance of their home....however, it gives someone no right to touch someon else's property...I might have to go choke someone out if I were you...here in the states there are other avenues they can deal with that issue of your lawn if it is over city length regulations etc..also here In our city you can't grow a garden with veggies in your front yard, city ordinance against it....

My vote is to go choke them out of you find out who did it
The lawn wasn't about to win any awards and it was definitely due for a mow, but I was hardly growing a wheat field yet.
I could understand if this were the end-game of a bitter dispute, but as first blood?  Mention it once, or leave a note, or cut a single strip to get your point across, you don't open up with a scorched earth policy.  And cutting down the non-grass portions goes well beyond an acceptable opening volley.
Instead of thinking up ways to maintain better care of my lawn, I'm sitting here at work contemplating if there's enough time before snowfall to partially bury some rebar and fertizile the grass over it very well.  This is just not conducive to neighbourly harmony....
My vote is to go choke them out of you find out who did it
I won't deny that urge is rather strong at the moment (though my urge mostly centers around some spare bricks I have...) but I'm mostly just confused and frustrated.  In three years of growing I've managed to eat a handful of peppers.  No superhots the first year, maybe 5 last year, and zero this year.  Something always happens, I'm apparently a pretty shitty horticulturalist.  I just didn't expect "douche with a lawnmower" to be this year's reason.  Not only has he ended this year's hope of me eating peppers, he destroyed the pepper plants that I've been overwintering and keeping alive since I started.  And all because the length of my grass crossed some imaginary line that nobody bothered to inform me existed.
Edit:  Before anybody offers, this is not intended to be a request for pity peppers.  It occurred to me after posting that the community here is rather awesome and usually showers people in bad situations with replacements.  I'm not disappointed that I can't eat any peppers, I'm disappointed that I can't eat 'my' peppers.
WTF?! you got some asshole neighbors there..I'd call the cops for sure. Isn't that trespassing ?
     That sucks. If someone had noticed that my lawn was "too long" and did that, right now I'd probably be noticing things that need improvement on their end. Like their house that seems "about 1800o too cool". Or their car that is "clearly too far from the bottom of the nearest lake". Or their face that "has an obvious deficit of fire ants and urine".
     But, i'd probably just call the cops before I got going. What they did is criminal. That shit doesn't just slide...
Oh hell no...the southern boy in me screams retribution!  Full on Deliverance style response.  Of course I live in Seattle now and my wife periodically reminds me that "things don't work like that up here."
Personally, I'd confront each homeowner on my street to try and determine who it was (they'll either fess up and act scared and try to deny any knowledge), then spell something fun in their front yard with the nastiest plant poison commercially available.   But thats just me.
That sucks.  I could not even imagine doing that to even a most hated neighbor.  I would call the authorities and report it as vandalism to your property!!!  Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
If I had the faintest idea who it was I'd probably go to the police and then, assuming their response was unsatisfactory, I'd [This line redacted for legal purposes] his [This line redacted for legal purposes] until [This line redacted for legal purposes], assuming the horse didn't start chafing first.
As it is, my last significant interaction with the police was over 10 years ago when my car was stolen.  It took 12 hours for them to basically say "Sucks to be you.  Here's a report number for insurance." (and they even gave my stolen car a parking ticket a few months later).  I can only imagine how little they'd care about my lawn and plants.  It would be different if I could say "that person did it" but they absolutely would not investigate, so I don't see the point unless I had some sort of insurance claim to make.  Or were planning on escalating things and needed a legal record.
Ughhh! Hard to believe. You're in Canada, but it sounds like you may have a civil court matter ...
... unless, your neighborhood has strict rules about growing stuff out front and you received "due process" notices. Some cities/HOAs here will forceably clean up your lawn and send you a bill, but it's generally a long process with lots of notices. Was it possible this was done by a government entity? More than a regular mower was needed to cleave your plants.
There was no notice or warning from any government official.  I've seen lawns in my area get much worse than mine was without any sort of government intervention, so it's doubtful that's what happened.
And my plants were not flourishing this year, so a mower is all that would have been needed.  It would've been rough on it but it could do it.
Yeah.... I would have to find out who it is....  you must ask around....  thats unreal.  I would go to all of the neighbors and ask if they did it or saw who did.  Look them in the eyes.
The neighbour on one side is a nurse, she's always either sleeping or working.  The neighbour on the other side is always either sleeping, working, or partying.
There's a school across the street (limiting the number of neighbours), so I wouldn't count on anybody else having seen anything.  Not that it's impossible but I'm not hopeful.
Either way.... I would ask them.  This just isnt right.  You need to find out who did this.  As everyone has agreed.... this is a criminal act of vandalism (and murder of your pets).  I just cant stand that shyt. 
Also.... dont give up on your 3-year-old scorpion.  Give it a chance to sprout from the stump... there may be just enough time for it to shoot out a few sprigs before the winter comes.
Yeah, I'll definitely still ask.  I just don't see a resolution to this after-the-fact.
I've got the equipment to set up a motion-activated camera that will upload footage to my PC.  Probably worth setting up regardless, but I'm not sure if I want to be "that guy" that lets my lawn turn to crap due to a dispute in hopes of baiting a vigilawnte.
The nearst and first "perfect" yard is where I would start to focus
ESPECIALLY if there are 2-3 more clustered together,cowards are like titties,they tend to hang together
Anyway start with potential camera views from the school
I've never noticed any cameras on the school, but that's a good point.  I'll take a look later tonight.  (Headline from the future:  Local Man Arrested Lurking Near Elementary School)
You're probably right about the perfect lawns being the first place to look, but those are a fair number of houses away.  The crazy must be strong to appoint themselves Warden of such a large area, but I suppose we've already established the crazy part.
I'll resist the urge to develop an evil alter-ego and burn the logo of the Masked Marauder into every perfect lawn with gasoline and salt, but I definitely need to start paying more attention.  Damnit....  I've gone this many years without having neighbour issues, why now?  Blah.