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wet c02 injection with hydro?

Have any of you guys doing hydro setup a c02 and autodoser into your water? I noticed several c02 generators that are made to add c02 into the air, but not sure if I can use my old fish tank c02 injection equipment and put the c02 directly into the water or if it will be too strong for the plants. This made a HUGE difference when I kept a planted tank. Most of the good plants wouldn't grow at all without the addition of MH lights AND c02 injection. However with them both I had to trim my tanks at least every other week.
When you inject the c02 into the water column it allows the roots to absorb the c02 directly and is extremely efficient. However I've only done this with freshwater aquarium plants that are typically grown under water. Not sure if it's the same with other plants though. This is the type of system I have now, but without the controller.

Novacastrian said:
I thought that you wanted co2 in the air and oxygen around the roots?

That's my understanding, and it's the consensus of most people in the one type of "herb" threads, who really seem to have growing down to perfection.

yeah that's what I was thinking, but I found a bit of info where the guys doing hydro inject c02 into the water so not sure what the best way of inject for none aquarium plants is..
I experimented with agua gaseosa (carbonated water) by pouring it in the hydro reservoir and I couldn't measure any growth difference in chiles.

In my setup, air is in common with a residence where there is carbon dioxide.
Many people use carbonated water successfully with their plants, just don't use club soda since there is too much salt