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What about tanning the babies?


Haven't been able to post in a long time because of job issues, but I hope to pick it up again in 2013.
Every year, when I move my chiles outside, they get a sunburn, which frustrates the hell out of me, because of the slow down in further growth, and I have been thinking for a while about trying to find a source of UV light, to be added to my CFL lighting, such that the peppers can build up resistance from the beginning.
The place to find info about grow lights is of course the Cannabis grower forums, and there seems to be a hefty discussion going on, what is gained when UV-A and UV-B lights are added.
The UV lights that are often used are the lights that are used for reptile keeping,
I would like to hear from others how the results differ, and what type of light you use.
Check out the GROW TECH section, lots of great info on lighting. You don't really need UV light tho. Mostly everyone uses CFL's and some few like me use LEDs. If you have "sunburn " why not try to give them morning light and partial shade in mid-day thru the afternoon? Good luck.

CFLs are perfect for growth, have a pure visible spectrum, 400nm-700nm. Morning light is an option if you have that possibility, meaning, if your growth room has windows at the South-East side. Sadly enough this is not truth for me and windows are on the North-west side.
Will check the Grow Tech section. I searched, but couldn't find it anymore after the site's reorg.
He makes a good point that I have been wondering.

Its not been covered as far as I know. UV-B

I just got in to the reptile thing again, and they recommended I get a UV-B light. I was thinking "I wonder what color spectrum that is :rolleyes: "
Turns out, its not a color spectrum like what we are used to. Only some bulbs have this UV-b and they are very specific to reptiles, thus making them expensive.

I have been wondering what plants think of them, I'm sure if it made a difference the canna growers would have been all over it years ago. I am guessing that it may help in with vitamin D A.K.A., calcium conversion, as that's what it does for most animals including us.