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What about tanning the babies?


I already posted this in a different section, but someone was so helpful to recommend the Grow tech section. The issue.
Every year, when I move my chiles outside, they get a sunburn, which frustrates the hell out of me, because of the slow down in further growth, and I have been thinking for a while about trying to find a source of UV light, to be added to my CFL lighting, such that the peppers can build up resistance from the beginning.
The place to find info about grow lights is of course the Cannabis grower forums, and there seems to be a hefty discussion going on, what is gained when UV-A and UV-B lights are added.
The UV lights that are often used are the lights that are used for reptile keeping,
I would like to know if anyone here has tried adding UV, and I'd like to hear how the results differ, if there is a noticeable effect on growth, and what type of light is used.
I am of the opinion that no matter what indoor lighting you use, your are going to have to take your plants through a period of hardening - exposing gradually to the outdoor elements so the plant builds tolerance. The fact is that no current artificial lights reach nearly the intensity of the sun, and that is only one factor. Temperature differences over the course of a single day, wind, storms.... none of these are faced by the plant when indoors. Others can weigh in on the types of lights they use, but I think your time would be better spent looking at threads on hardening off. Typically there is a cycle - first take the plants outside fully in the shade in a place sheltered from the wind, then gradually expose them to full sun and wind a bit at a time - maybe half an hour the first few days, etc. Having strong lighting and a fan blowing helps reduce the hardening time, this is true, but I don't think you're going to be able to eliminate it.
I am sorry but can you direct me where it says to use UV on reptiles? IR I have heard of, but never UV. I don't play with reptiles so I'm not saying your wrong it just surprises me based on the fact uv is used to kill things. You will see discussions where people use UV intermittenly (sp?) to kill disease on the plants and to use it in the reservoir to keep it sterile.

My understanding is that intense UV will do more damage than good to plants. You might have unhealthy plants that acclimate faster. Interested in the discussion.
I am sorry but can you direct me where it says to use UV on reptiles? IR I have heard of, but never UV. I don't play with reptiles so I'm not saying your wrong it just surprises me based on the fact uv is used to kill things. You will see discussions where people use UV intermittenly (sp?) to kill disease on the plants and to use it in the reservoir to keep it sterile.

My understanding is that intense UV will do more damage than good to plants. You might have unhealthy plants that acclimate faster. Interested in the discussion.


UV is also used to increase nutrition in crops like lettuce.

gvittman, windburn and sunburn look almost identical. If you have any electrical skills try mouser.com. They have some inexpensive (and some expensive) UV LEDs. You could put together a small panel or bar and try that. I havent tried it yet myself but its been on my mind for a while for the same reason as you.