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What am I getting myself into????

Just do it....right!!!!! I'm going for it. My last seeds I used the baggie method because I was checking for viability. Now I'll do seed starting medium and a couple wool cube things a friend gave me to tryout. Have to look up that info.
LMAO @ Juanitos! Yeah me too
Enablers ;)
There are far worse addictions!  :P
juanitos said:
i told my wife i wanted to move to Puerto Rico so i can grow year round lol.  :shame:
I told my wife to buy me a farm, and I'm now working for one just so I can plant extra peppers. :crazy:
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@ SoCal GardenGal - This year I will have around 100 plants of roughly 65-70 varieties of peppers, about 40-50 tomatoes (about 20 varieties) and who knows how many cukes/squash/beans/melons/etc.  Have 100 or so garlic plants set to come up if the damn snow ever goes!  It only gets worse :)
I've resorted to pawning off my extras to willing family, friends and neighbors who have extra space - split the harvest with em and it works.  
juanitos said:
yeah i drive around town and see blank spaces / abandoned lots and wonder if i could just slap some peppers in there lol
We take a lot of walks and every seed that I've lost track of and/or have too many of gets surreptitiously planted along the way.  Each year I manage to harvest a few oddball peppers, tomatoes, squash, corn, beans, etc - and it's not just me!  Others who frequent our walking paths/parks have noticed and taken a few here and there and more power to em I say!  There's so much area all around that could be growing good organic food....
Very normal... I believe I have every variety I want at the moment, until I look on a few sites... And end up with another 4-5 varieties heading my way !!  When this is happening every other week you start to realise you might need to move soon to create space lol
I guess it is pretty normal to go way overboard with this pepper thing. I'm set up for about 40 plants and I think I'm going to end up with about 80. Most of them have to go find a temporary home.
Yea, its normal.  To me the limiting factor is how much refrigerator / freezer / shelf space, and how many friends you have.  Once you get to the point of not being able to store the harvest excess or give it away to friends you've hit your capacity threshold.
juanitos said:
yeah i drive around town and see blank spaces / abandoned lots and wonder if i could just slap some peppers in there lol
I totally do that in my neighborhood.  I check out people's back yards, look at shade, the sun path, how level the ground is, and figure out how many plants I could put there