• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

What are you doing with all your zucchini?

Just put some zucchini candy in the dehydrator. Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it. It tastes like gummy worms, and my kids love it.


I had about 12 cups of zucchini, cut with a french fry cutter. I put ~ 1 1/4 cups of sugar and a couple of cups of water in two separate pots. Brought it to a boil to dissolve sugar, then added a packet of orange unsweetened Kool-Aid to one, and Black Cherry to the other. You could use two packets if you wanted the flavor stronger. Added half the zucchini to each pot, turned the heat down, and simmered for about 1/2 an hour. Then it goes in the dehydrator.

I got the recipe from the harvest forum on GW, and the person that posted it, said she dries it for 14 hours, rolls it in sugar, then returns it to the dehydrator for another 4 hours, or until no longer sticky. Where I live there is very little humidity, so mine is ready in about half the time.

10 - 12 cups = 4 dehydrator trays = 3 - 4 cups of finished candy.


I'm trying a new recipe for Chocolate Zucchini Bread today, but I've also made Pineapple Zucchini Bread, Zucchini Banana Bread, and Blueberry Zucchini Bread. They're all pretty tasty. I also shred it finely, and add to spaghetti sauce, and rice dishes.

So how are you using all of your zucchini?
I wish I could get that yield! Damn squash bugs took out 11 plants this season. I think I got a grand total of 8 or 9 fruits off all of them. Got any tips? If I could keep them alive I bet the wife would let me grow more peppers!
Zucchini Races... of course.

Some decorating, some wheels, some metal roofing and a slope...




Seriously, we had soooo much Zucchinis last year, and they got way too big for anything good, the neighborhood got together and had some fun.
Keep it in mind for later in the season, when zucchini burn out sets in, and those darn thing just keep growin'.
Zucchini Races... of course.

Some decorating, some wheels, some metal roofing and a slope...




Seriously, we had soooo much Zucchinis last year, and they got way too big for anything good, the neighborhood got together and had some fun.
Keep it in mind for later in the season, when zucchini burn out sets in, and those darn thing just keep growin'.
:rofl: THATS AWESOME!! :rofl:
Very creative, Scoville! I'll keep that in mind. I'm thinking I'll just slip the extras into peoples cars at church. You know, random acts of kindness :D
Cut Zuke's into jo-jo size strips
Egg dip
bread crumbs, parmesan, Chili powder (of course) get creative
bake 15 min. at 350 turning once
dip in marinara, or the like

I still love zucchini this way...
Jo-jo sized strips??? I've done baked zucchini fries, which sounds very similar. Two out of my three kids liked them. The one that was offended by the zucchini fries finds the Chocolate Zucchini Bread quite tolerable though ...

I may make Zucchini Potato Pancakes this weekend. The recipe is similar to a potato pancake, but uses half shredded hash browns/half shredded zucchini. We'll see how that goes over with the family.
Made another batch of Zucchini Candy this week. Here is picture of the final product:


... and here is a pic of my Zucchini Relish, which was tasty, but not as hot as I had hoped.


Also made another batch of Chocolate Zucchini Bread yesterday.

The season will be over very soon, and even though its been a crummy year for tomatoes, at least I've had plenty of zucchini to keep me busy. :lol:
nice recipe you have there.

we have a similar candy here but the main ingredient is wintermelon. we call it kundol candy.

your zuccini race reminds me of Tamiya mini 4 wheel racing. :D very creative. :D
I saw a book on Amazon called "What will I do with all those Courgettes?" By Elaine Borish
150+ recipes
Dropped some hints but OH hasn't bought it for me yet.
How about Zucchini stuffed with smoked Eggplant and Chilies?

roast a medium sized eggplant (about a pound) on your grill, turning until the skin is evenly charred and crispy all the way around. I especially like doing this on a charcoal grill. Wash off the charred skin under cold, running water or place into a ziplok bag for fifteen or twenty minutes until the steam loosens the skin and peel it off. Chop the eggplant pulp. Scrub zucchini and trim the ends. Cut in half lengthwise and using a grapefruit spoon or melon baller, scoop away the seeded portion of the flesh to make two boat shaped shells. Sprinkle the shells with a little salt (about 1/3 tsp) and set aside for half an hour. Peel six cloves of garlic and mince four of them. Heat three tbsp oil in a skillet over medium flame. When hot, add the minced garlic and stir for about ten seconds. Now add a two ounce onion, peeled and finely chopped. Saute until onion looks translucent and just begins to brown around the edges. Add eggplant pulp, 1/2 tsp peeled, minced fresh ginger, a minced green chilie, 4 canned plum tomatoes, chopped and two tbsp of the tomato canning liquid, 3/4 tsp salt and a pinch of freshly ground black pepper. Stir and saute two or three minutes. Add a half a tbsp of lemon juice and check salt. Cover, turn heat to low and simmer about fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.
Preheat broiler. Drain all the liquid from the zucchini and pat the shells dry with paper towels. In a large ten or twelve inch skillet, heat three tbsp oil over medium flame. When hot, put in the remaining whole cloves of garlic. Stir them around until they brown and then discard them. Put the zucchini, cut side down in the flavored oil until brown. Turn over and brown the green skin. Cover the skillet, turn heat to low and let the zucchini steam in its own juices for about five minutes until crisp/tender. Remove and place on broiling tray. Evenly distribute the eggplant filling in the cavities of the zucchini halves, sprinkle with three tbsp grated parmesan cheese and place under broiler until cheese is lightly browned.