pests What bug do I need to declare war on does this..

Man trying to get ahead of the pest they seem to be coming out in droves this year, Last night I even caught a Raccoon climbing in my neighbors tree scoping the garden I got a trap for his butt too- But what Insect does this damage?
Reminds me of when I got winter grain mites from the cornfield behind me. My entire house was covered in them. They left little patterns like that on the leaves. Rather large for mites too. Could be any number of nasties though
JoynersHotPeppers said:
^ It is a leaf miner for sure. Pull those leaves off and buy something like neem that treats them. They suck for many flower species I have however never had them on my pepper plants. 
Yep just put Neem oil on my shopping list..
Neem is also systemic. So if you spray the soil when you water the plant will take it up and make itself less appealing to critters. IIRC.
Neem's how I got rid of my mite problem as well. Spray late evening so you don't burn your plants. They don't look like they can take much more stress. 