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pubescens What Capsicum Pubescens will you be trialling in 2025.........?

Hi Guy's

Calling all capsicum pubescens lover's...........

What varieties will you be playing with / trialling in 2025 ? ? ? And what's your current favourite ??

My favourite "currently" is Rocoto long from seaspring seeds it was the first of my 2023 Outdoor Scottish pubescens trial to ripen it is extremely similar to Aji Largo and is probably a selection there of, it's apparently 60,000 shu but feels hotter and very tasty I'm a huge fan :thumbsup: 😋

However...........I'm always on the lookout for better ! :banghead:

So I've decided to trial a few new Capsicum pubescens outside in 2025 as in my 2023 trial outside in Scottish summer and pretty much neglected to see what's the toughest 😎

My 2025 outdoor Scottish capsicum pubescens trial will be ( Rocoto long) my keeper Rocoto :thumbsup:🥰😋 and ...........

Rocoto Montufar
Rocoto CAP 636
Rocoto CAP 867
Rocoto Peron

Seeds already ordered/arrived .....the sickness is strong in this one luke ..............🤣

The trial will be conducted outside as my precious greenhouse space is reserved for superhot capsicum chinense 😎

Dispite being a superhot fan, capsicum pubescens has really grown on me and I've become very fond of this particularly beautiful and tasty capsicum family 🥰

Also living in Scotland I see any outdoor chilli variety as a freebie 😎
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Hey there @Englander, I've been bitten by the bug as well, although only by the enjoyment of growing them because I haven't actually tried one yet. Really looking forward to trying one once they ripen and exploring their versatility!

This year, I'm growing Ecuadorian Red Pepper from Hell, Rocoto Turbo and Rocoto de Seda. So far so good with the health and fruit set on the plants. My original plan next year was to trial a few types that were sent to me by a fellow chilehead: Aji Largo, Aji Oro, Rio Huallagua, Tatiana, San Pedro and XL Brown. I've changed course a bit now, and am considering overwintering one or two of my favorite pubescens from this year, and selecting a few of the aforementioned to go along with it. What I'm thinking is:

Ecuadorian Red Pepper from Hell (2nd year)
Rocoto de Seda -or- Rocoto Turbo (2nd year)
Aji Largo
San Pedro or Rio Huallagua

I wish I could grow more of them but with space constraints, this may be what I'm limited to. I will rotate the other types that were gifted to me in the following year, and am definitely looking forward to growing them. Let me know if you want to collaborate on a pubescens GLOG next year to compare notes and help spread the addiction!
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rio hualaga orange is simply heavenly.

EPFH red is very pleasant as well.

rocoto giant yellow (aka gelbe riesen) has some very large pods (like clementine or small apple sized), but i've yet to taste (one is ripe and coming off the plant tonight though...)

these are the only ones i've grown, but they do the job for me. i'm not super hardcore about finding the absolute best by trying dozens of types.

the only addition i might look to make in the near future is to try a chocolate colour variety.
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rio hualaga orange is simply heavenly.

EPFH red is very pleasant as well.

rocoto giant yellow (aka gelbe riesen) has some very large pods (like clementine or small apple sized), but i've yet to taste (one is ripe and coming off the plant tonight though...)

these are the only ones i've grown, but they do the job for me. i'm not super hardcore about finding the absolute best by trying dozens of types.

the only addition i might look to make in the near future is to try a chocolate colour variety.

I've read very good things about Rocoto Chocolate x PS in terms of both taste and productivity. There is an olive pheno of the same type as well. Semillas La Palma sells both of them.
I've not grown any pubescens so far, but you all got me interested, so I picked up some seeds for the Aji Oro Rocoto from Texas Hot Peppers. Their picture looks quite different from those on other seed vendors' sites, so 🤷

Still looking forward to it though!
The Texas Hot Peppers pic looks like the real deal to me, @hadanero!

For me, I recently started some indoors that I'll grow over the winter for isolated seeds then they'll go outside in the spring.
Orange Arequipa
Puna Pica Orange
Aji Largo
Manzano Amarillo Ollantaytambo
Giant Yellow
XL Brown
And hopefully 2 or 3 others that haven't sprouted yet. I was amazed that the Aji Largo set a pod at 45 days from sprouting :shocked: