What did I order: Chocolate Moruga Brains

What exactly is this pepper?
I ordered seeds from Refining Fire Chili's as I have in the past.
I THOUGHT I was ordering Chocolate Brain Strain, but I guess I didnt read close enough.
The description says its a Butch T development so I am sure it will be good, but searching through Google and on here just keeps bringing up "Chocolate Brain Strain" of which I dont think this is...or is it?
On another note I also ordered Chocolate Borg 9's to try out.  Going to do one whole bed of Chocolate plants this year.
IF you want legitimate Choc Brain Strain, I have it, and you are welcome to it.

I did not like any of the Chocs that I grew this last season.  I have Bhutlah, Borg 9, and Brain Strain.  I find all of these to be too hot, and not enough, or not good enough, flavor to compensate for the pain.
Hell, you can have the plants, if you want them.  They're still podding up.  Just come get them.  LOL
damn I was just down in melbourne last week, well drove by it on my way home from Miami...
Nah, dont necessarily care if these are "brain strain" or whatever, just trying to figure out what they are since google really doesnt bring up anything, but a few sites selling them.  It keeps pushing me to "chocolate brain strain" which maybe these are, maybe they arent.
I havent ever grown any chocolate pods so figured I would give a few a go.
By all means, taste is a very subjective thing, so don't think that I'm trying to push my dislike as an absolute.  You may love them.  

If you're driving through again, let me know.  They are only leaving if somebody wants them. 
solid7 said:
If you're driving through again, let me know.

I hope I NEVER drive to Miami again.  I spent 2.5 months down there for work and really dont care for Miami after that.  Plus 20 hours in the car...no thanks.
rjacobs said:
I hope I NEVER drive to Miami again.  I spent 2.5 months down there for work and really dont care for Miami after that.  Plus 20 hours in the car...no thanks.
Well, I can understand that.  But the offer stands. :)
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Don't know too much about this variety, however on Butch T's website it says:
"Chocolate cross f3 Awesome looking bumpy pods with extreme heat and great flavor"
TexasHotPeppers said:
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Don't know too much about this variety, however on Butch T's website it says:
"Chocolate cross f3 Awesome looking bumpy pods with extreme heat and great flavor"

Well once these grow out ill make sure to hit you up and supply you with a few to try.
solid7 said:
IF you want legitimate Choc Brain Strain, I have it, and you are welcome to it.

I did not like any of the Chocs that I grew this last season.  I have Bhutlah, Borg 9, and Brain Strain.  I find all of these to be too hot, and not enough, or not good enough, flavor to compensate for the pain.
Hell, you can have the plants, if you want them.  They're still podding up.  Just come get them.  LOL
I grew Choc. Moruga last season....like you the PAIN was intense and unbearable eating fresh or adding to anything i tried pickling.
But....I was advised to give it a go as a powder here on THP. It has become my favorite powder for EVERYTHING.
I cut them up and placed on large pirex dish with parchment paper, placed on middle rack in oven at 170*..took about 6-7hrs to get crispy dry.
Let cool and put them into the magic bullet and gave them a spin.
I put it on hash browns, eggs, steak, sandwiches, salad, soup, stew, cottage cheese and tomato, popcorn....well just about everything.
Kinda adds a sweet smoky flavor and because it's in a shaker I can go wild or mild with it....I am growing 5 different chocolates now for next season all for powders.

Masher said:
I grew Choc. Moruga last season....like you the PAIN was intense and unbearable eating fresh or adding to anything i tried pickling.
But....I was advised to give it a go as a powder here on THP. It has become my favorite powder for EVERYTHING.
I cut them up and placed on large pirex dish with parchment paper, placed on middle rack in oven at 170*..took about 6-7hrs to get crispy dry.
Let cool and put them into the magic bullet and gave them a spin.
I put it on hash browns, eggs, steak, sandwiches, salad, soup, stew, cottage cheese and tomato, popcorn....well just about everything.
Kinda adds a sweet smoky flavor and because it's in a shaker I can go wild or mild with it....I am growing 5 different chocolates now for next season all for powders.

I have some slated for the dehydrator this afternoon.  Will take that under consideration...
rjacobs said:
I hope I NEVER drive to Miami again.  I spent 2.5 months down there for work and really dont care for Miami after that.  Plus 20 hours in the car...no thanks.
My wife and I spent two hours in the Miami Airport, and it was FAR too long. Every person who works/lives there (whom we met, talked to, or observed) was extemely rude.
I ordered food from a restaurant (with a smile, mind you) and the most polite response she had was... "fine."
edit: I gave her a 1 cent tip. No tip would have been too good for her. The single penny was a statement.
edit2: Not saying that everyone from Miami is rude, but everyone I experienced was.
My best guess is that it is a choc moruga or regular moruga mixed with either a choc brain or a regular brain strain. One or both parents had to be chocolate. Jim Duffy's organic seeds page sells them as well. I picked up some for sure...sounds like an ultimate brown. The regular chocolate brains I got this year weren't hot enough for me.