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What do u guys HONESTLY think about White 7 Pods?

I like them, they are a bit hotter than habs to me. They have great flavor more of a 7 pot to me, but also habs as well but not as much.
I dunno but Judy has both White Habs and White 7 Pods

i was thinkin bout what peppers i wanted from her since she has buy 3 boxes get 6 free lol couldnt say no
Nigel said:
Are they really different from the Giant White Habanero? I do not know.
I've grown the 7Pot White last season and the Habanero Giant White this season. They are totally different. I don't have a ripe one yet but probably the taste is similar since I think they used the Giant White to cross with a 7 Pot (yellow?). I for one like the 7Pot White a lot, big pods with a great flavor, but not superhot.
Never tried the Giant White Hab before, so I cannot compare it with a White 7.  But I have had the White 7 Pots from Judy and they are delicious.  If you've had a Red 7 Pot, they are similar to them but much milder, in both heat and flavor.  If floral tastes are offputting to you then this is up your ally, as it only has a slight hint of floral taste with a nice fruity sweet flavor.  I do struggle to call this a superhot though.  If you must put it in that category, then it would be very low on the spectrum.
 Great pepper like the others said. Great fresh without burning your socks off but enough heat to water your eyes a bit. 
I have a plant that is loading up with pods as we speak. 
I have white 7s from judy and giant whites from duffy this season. Plants do not grow the same. Some of the white 7s have been hotter than the GWHs, but the pods are pretty much identical. Taste.and shape are spot on. I took a pod of each to work for a bunch of us to tell and discern and you couldn't tell which was which on that occasion. The GWHs have gitten a bit whiter for me, but they are hidden under more canopy.
Both quite fruit and enjoyable, with the occasional white 7 surprising you with higher hab heat.