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What do you grow

For those who use alt. means of growing i.e. grow tents, grow rooms. hydro...What do you grow and what is your setup? What are your favorite things (besides the obvious peppers) to grow?
i have a choc bell, 7 pot red, brain strain in dwc buckets 2 5 gal buckets and the brain is in an 18 gal tote. thinking i might make it Recirculating over winter as i have a 50 gal drum. all the ther plants i am growing are in pots in soil.
i've got a goji in hydro and just moved a rosemary plant into soil. had a runt tomato that i moved from soil into hydro and it became gigantic in my dwc and i had to move it back to soil in its own container(it was my first tomato to produce a ripe fruit).