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What does frost do to peppers?

I know frost kills the plant but what does it do to peppers? Will it be like you putting them in the freezer? If they freeze from frost, can I still dehydrate or freeze them?
They will get mushy if a hard frost hits them, just like being frozen but you can still dehydrate or freeze them.
They will go mushy as said above and they will go rotten alot faster on the tree after being hit with a frost.....
Anything below freezing for a substantial amount of time is generally a hard frost. We've had 2 hard frosts now and all my outdoor pepper plants are finished. It was -5C last night so I had a fire going in my greenhouse but I can't keep this up for long.
Anything below freezing for a substantial amount of time is generally a hard frost. We've had 2 hard frosts now and all my outdoor pepper plants are finished. It was -5C last night so I had a fire going in my greenhouse but I can't keep this up for long.

I had my first real frost last night. Can I still Salvage the fruit on the plan today?
like Potawie said you can try freezing them or dehydrating them. I picked all of mine on Tuesday after a severe frost the night before.
Most of them were pretty green still, so I went throught them all and pitched the ones that looked mushy and put the rest under a blanket with some ripening bananas and apples. Last year I was able to save about 80% of them this way.
Green pepper flakes (dried) are quite good. I plan to add all of my end of season greenies to my crushed hab mix.

They add great contrast (being green and all) to the mix.

Fantastic on pizza, pasta, soups, etc.