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What is a Capsicum Sp?

I traded some seeds and received a "Blue Mystery," labeled as a Capsicum Sp. The original packing was from pepperlover.com, so I found the seeds here:


The description ends with:

"Extremely prolific and pods everywhere makes it useful Capsicum Sp." What the heck does that mean? What is a Capsicum Sp?
Capsicum Sp. Is any unidentified or listed pepper … which means it could be a cross or it could be listed under more than one species
In other words, any pepper variety that does not belong to any of the following is Capsicum Sp.
• Capsicum annuum
• Capsicum baccatum
• Capsicum buforum.
• Capsicum campylopodium
• Capsicum cardenasii
• Capsicum chacoense
• Capsicum chinense
• Capsicum coccineum.
• Capsicum cornutum
• Capsicum dimorphum
• Capsicum dusenii
• Capsicum eximium.
• Capsicum flexuosum
• Capsicum frutescens L.
• Capsicum galapagoense
• Capsicum geminifolium.
• Capsicum hookerianum
• Capsicum lanceolatum
• Capsicum leptopodum
• Capsicum lycianthoides
• Capsicum minutiflorum
• Capsicum mirabile Capsicum mositicum
• Capsicum parvifolium
• Capsicum praetermissum
• Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav.
• Capsicum rhomboideum
• Capsicum schottianum
• Capsicum scolnikianum
• Capsicum tovarii
• Capsicum villosum