What is going on here?

I was de-seeding some peppers and found this.
What is going on here?
hogleg said:
They are little pepper aliens. If you let them go long enough, the host pepper's belly will start to wobble and quiver. Then the little alien pepper will emerge and try to eat all the peppers in your garden. Looks like you killed those ones just in time.   :lol:
:rofl:  :rofl:
hogleg said:
They are little pepper aliens. If you let them go long enough, the host pepper's belly will start to wobble and quiver. Then the little alien pepper will emerge and try to eat all the peppers in your garden. Looks like you killed those ones just in time.   :lol:

I'm thinking Lepricon eggs. Put out some lucky charms and some chocolate gold coins quick before they take over the place. Lepricons can be VERY DANGEROUS!!
My hydro bahamian goats do this on the regular. I don't have the pics on this computer but one day i cut open a dozen pods and every one of them was fully of baby pepper aliens. 
Those are Brit Milah peppers.      
First time I saw that was in bells.  I thought the seed had germinated.  Then someone pointed out that pants, not peppers, grow from seed.  I felt like a complete and total idiot.  Someone explained to me that it it is kin to humans having twins.  Then the conversation got really weird and went down the path of documented cases of girls being born with a twin in their womb... sort of born pregnant.  Evidently it happens, but more commonly the twin is somewhere else in their body, goes unnoticed, and gets absorbed over time.

Not sure if any of that is true, but just as scary as the alien pepper monster jumping out and eating up all your peppers.
D3monic, what is it and did all the pods grow that way? If so, that is just way, way, way cool.  I see them now and then, but never so much as to be able to photograph two fresh at the same time.  If you had most pods from a plant turn out that way, would love some seeds to screw around with. 

It would be fun to figure out if the seeds inside the inside pepper grew differently than the seeds inside the outside pepper.
ajdrew said:
D3monic, what is it and did all the pods grow that way? If so, that is just way, way, way cool.  I see them now and then, but never so much as to be able to photograph two fresh at the same time.  If you had most pods from a plant turn out that way, would love some seeds to screw around with. 

It would be fun to figure out if the seeds inside the inside pepper grew differently than the seeds inside the outside pepper.
I think it was from a nutrient abundance in the hydro. I've reduced nutrients and they've stopped doing that. Most of them didn't really have seeds because the baby  peppers in them. 
seems like certain peppers are effected at certain times of the season for me, so its probably enviromental.  It also does seem more common in bells so whats the connection?  Thicker walled fruit?