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What is the Best WILD to Grow

CGN 21500, tasty & decent heat, nice looking pods & plant. Grew them a few seasons ago, had a bit of a bum summer but it produced well. Only other wild I've grown is CGN 24360 another really nice plant that I've had good luck with. I had really good luck with this as a indoor plant using the Kratky method once I dialled in the nutes. 
Thanks guys for the info going to do some looking it to these maybe i can still get seeds for them if they are not super rare i have been
looking at wild brazil, Brazil has alot of wilds to. :onfire:
glabriusculum is a variety of Capsicum annuum that is native to southern North America and northern South America. Common names include chiltepin, Indian pepper, chiltepe, and chile tepin, as well as turkey, bird's eye, or simply bird peppers, due to their consumption and spread by wild birds.