What is the chili world coming to?

Too many unstable varieties. 
In the very near future it will be very difficult to find a good stable variety. 
Too much drama. 
People hating each other over some chiles.
Anyone who does create a stable variety will be chastised if they try to make money off of their hard work.
Any stable varieties will probably only  be created for the purposed of world records and marketing.
The only way that most seed vendors will be able to make money will be selling F1 hybrids whose lineage is kept secret.
THP may start losing the vendors who pay to advertise on here due to people thread jacking. In this case we will all lose.
Agreed. Drama over a :censored: pepper... meh

Big fish in a small pond syndrome. All this new "latest greatest" BS gets old.
As long as I have a way to add heat to my eggs (Judy's Red Savina Powder (my absolute fave)),
I could give two shits what Guiness says.
*edit* my favorite "heat" of all time is Judy's Red Savina powder Sicman's jalapeño powder, and fresh Jonah 7's.
By far not the "newest, hottest, most expensive" but that's just how I roll.

What it comes down to is don't hate the player hate the game. If we all stop buying into this superhot stuff we could change the way these vendors work. They should stay black and white aka don't hide anything show both parent varieties of hybrids and show proof of everything you say but most of all stay true to your roots everyone was/is a hobby grower at one point so forget about the money and stay true to the love of peppers.
Nightshade said:
Reaper stuff pertaining to the Guinness record
i dont usually speak up like this but this subject has been something that has bothered me since day one and I hope by me speaking out like this I don't offend anyone, not my intention
as for the super hot race I refuse to run it because the same things happened everytime someone announced something new ,i dont make Grand Dios annoucments about my development because im afraid i will catch a ball of fire in my lap just as so many others have so many times, but its not just that I let others decide whether its hotter, tastier etc. than say something else
i believe that if someone invest there time,money etc into the development of a species then that person should reap the benafits of that work with out being chastised for it,also as long as it is legitamate and the creator is also legitamate i dont see any problem with profiting off it, large companys and small copywrite there work everyday and nothing is said whats the differance i ask??, and truly who does it hurt?
there is always going to be unstable types that cant be avoided, my philosophy is if it looks cool taste good what have you try to keep it going, if its unstable let people know before they buy seeds for I do, this way people don't think you trying to pull a fast one just to get there money, I DO BELEAVE IN BEING HONEST UP FRONT THIS WAY YOU DONT COME OFF LOOKING LIKE JUST ONE MORE DISHONEST INTERNET "HUCKSTER", THIS LETS THE BUYER DECIDE IF THEY WANT IT OR NOT 
im not sticking up for any specific person but what good can come from all the suspicion and sarcasm?? just because you can say or do something doent mean you always should, i always try my best to think of other peoples feeling when ever i start tapping away on my keyboard
if a person proves themselve to be a shady charactor thats a different story, but the same treatment doenst apply to everyone and quite frankly isn't fair, its these same people that do this bashing that if the shoe were on the other foot would be the first ones to cry foul
i know that i can only speak for myself when i say that
when i develop a new one i think first how much positive interest and excitement will it generate and secondly if i can make a little money off it thats not such a bad thing either, i have invested my labor,time and what little money i have into them so then where have i gone wrong in thinking that i cant make a little extra money off it??
im sure that just like everyone one else on here money is tight and even if its not the concept of being in bussiness is to make a profit and who can say they would not like to have a little extra money here or there? so then why is it ok for one and not the other??
i love to give as many of you know but i cant give everything away, i have bills that need paying just like everyone else and so do they, again im only speaking for the honest man i do not defend the crook!!
there nothing wrong with being careful its true there are alot of snake oil salesman out there and those are the one we need to be mindful of, but are we going to become so cynical that we trust no one?? thats there is a very desructive way to think and live
the game has become what it has become because some of the players have made it that way ,and that's on both ends of the field
i love everyone but there are some things we can all do without and this is one of them
let enjoy this love without the drama
thanks again your friend Joe
Valid point Joe, even if it was a little tough to read. Honest businessmen are still businessmen, why should we fault them for doing their jobs?
scratchzilla said:
Valid point Joe, even if it was a little tough to read. Honest businessmen are still businessmen, why should we fault them for doing their jobs?
thanks and yeah maybe a little WORDY, however i dont beleave in speaking in "SOUND BITE" too much meaning gets lost when you abbreviate, its one of those things that if someone is willing to invest the time to go back and read it a few times you can get more out of it, also i tend to not properly punctuate or spell correctly at times so yeah that can make things a bit tough too
thanks your friend Joe
I have to agree. I am new here and I couldn't believe all the drama going on and that isn't just concerning the reaper. Seems this forum has plenty of jealous people and blind loyalist. Reminds me of the politics going on right now. I find it very childish especially when it comes to something as subjective as taste/heat.
ajijoe said:
i dont usually speak up like this but this subject has been something that has bothered me since day one and I hope by me speaking out like this I don't offend anyone, not my intention
as for the super hot race I refuse to run it because the same things happened everytime someone announced something new ,i dont make Grand Dios annoucments about my development because im afraid i will catch a ball of fire in my lap just as so many others have so many times, but its not just that I let others decide whether its hotter, tastier etc. than say something else
i believe that if someone invest there time,money etc into the development of a species then that person should reap the benafits of that work with out being chastised for it,also as long as it is legitamate and the creator is also legitamate i dont see any problem with profiting off it, large companys and small copywrite there work everyday and nothing is said whats the differance i ask??, and truly who does it hurt?
there is always going to be unstable types that cant be avoided, my philosophy is if it looks cool taste good what have you try to keep it going, if its unstable let people know before they buy seeds for I do, this way people don't think you trying to pull a fast one just to get there money, I DO BELEAVE IN BEING HONEST UP FRONT THIS WAY YOU DONT COME OFF LOOKING LIKE JUST ONE MORE DISHONEST INTERNET "HUCKSTER", THIS LETS THE BUYER DECIDE IF THEY WANT IT OR NOT 
im not sticking up for any specific person but what good can come from all the suspicion and sarcasm?? just because you can say or do something doent mean you always should, i always try my best to think of other peoples feeling when ever i start tapping away on my keyboard
if a person proves themselve to be a shady charactor thats a different story, but the same treatment doenst apply to everyone and quite frankly isn't fair, its these same people that do this bashing that if the shoe were on the other foot would be the first ones to cry foul
i know that i can only speak for myself when i say that
when i develop a new one i think first how much positive interest and excitement will it generate and secondly if i can make a little money off it thats not such a bad thing either, i have invested my labor,time and what little money i have into them so then where have i gone wrong in thinking that i cant make a little extra money off it??
im sure that just like everyone one else on here money is tight and even if its not the concept of being in bussiness is to make a profit and who can say they would not like to have a little extra money here or there? so then why is it ok for one and not the other??
i love to give as many of you know but i cant give everything away, i have bills that need paying just like everyone else and so do they, again im only speaking for the honest man i do not defend the crook!!
there nothing wrong with being careful its true there are alot of snake oil salesman out there and those are the one we need to be mindful of, but are we going to become so cynical that we trust no one?? thats there is a very desructive way to think and live
the game has become what it has become because some of the players have made it that way ,and that's on both ends of the field
i love everyone but there are some things we can all do without and this is one of them
let enjoy this love without the drama
thanks again your friend Joe
Well said my friend!