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What is the most important quality in a pot-up pot? (depth vs. radius vs. volume)


Here is an assortment of the various containers I have been able to scavenge up to transplant my plants into.

What is in the best interest for the roots/plant? The depth of the container, it's radius, or the overall volume?

I'm guessing it must matter somewhat for taller plants (annums) compared to more bushier ones (chinense)?

I'm not sure. I've always heard the bigger the pot, the better and more productive the growth, but I'm not quite believing that. The reason I say that is last season I had a bunch of leftover plants, and stuck them in my 1 gallon pots with some Pro mix BX. I really didn't expect much from them, but some of them really cranked out the pods (mostly the annuums, but some small podded chinenses too). Seems to me that soil mix and drainage are the most important things. Good drainage is a must. Obviously, bigger pots will result in a bigger plant and more pods, but if space is limited, 1 gallon pots will yield at least some plants with decent pods. I'd say use whatever you have available to you, but make sure it has good drainage.
From my limited experience, if we are only talking about containers, i would say first is overall volume them i would say that a good bit of that volume should be depth. I think this is because it allows the roots to reach downwards creating a more stable plant. Thats about all i got on the subject...
So all things considered,,, depth over radius?

Considering I live in the WIndy City, a more stable plant definately sounds desirable.
I am growing on an elevated deck and thunderstorms produce serious gusts in our area..
My container selection is based on bulk and stability for the plant. I use
tomato cages in my 5 gal. buckets for my tomatoes and will do the same for my Bhuts.
So all things considered,,, depth over radius?

Considering I live in the WIndy City, a more stable plant definately sounds desirable.
If you're looking for plant containers with the same consistancy 3,5,7,10 gal take a look at "Brew and Grow" ......on Addison and Kedzie
If you're looking for plant containers with the same consistancy 3,5,7,10 gal take a look at "Brew and Grow" ......on Addison and Kedzie

I'm looking for the free and pretty-much-free on the near west side

Taylor & Loomis

Family farm in w. Central IL.. they hook me up
I am growing on an elevated deck and thunderstorms produce serious gusts in our area.. My container selection is based on bulk and stability for the plant. I use tomato cages in my 5 gal. buckets for my tomatoes and will do the same for my Bhuts.
To this I would add the Chicken Poo vs the Black Cow as B.C. can be harsh for plant out sized plants. But from my personal experience only up-pot peppers ONCE in a season !
Radius and volume more so than depth. Roots like to move horizontally rather than downward (aside from the tap root at younger stages) Also, the containers I use are ridiculous so when I say radius rather than depth, Im already talking about a container that is deeper than most others....lol
From my experience last year with hundreds of 7-10 gallon "recycled" containers of various widthes and depthes, I saw faster initial growth from plants in deeper containers. Although, when the winds started kicking in the taller containers were much more likely to be blown over causing damage to the plants. By the end of the season I would say all plants in all shapes/sizes of containers were about equal. The only noticeable difference were my plants in 15 gallon containers, they were monsters.