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What is this chilli plant i'm growing? (+images)

Hi guys!
I noticed some relatives were growing a few chilli plants, though they didn't know what breed they were.
I nabbed a few plants and also some ripe pods, anyone know what they might be???

The pods seem to ripen from whitegreen to purple to red, and grow to 3-4cm. They seem pretty hot to me but i'm not a very good judge of that because i haven't tried any superhots to compare
The well developed ones they had seemed to be small and bushy.
Flowers are white with purplish sexyparts. Cream 3.5mm circular seeds.

Here's the two plants + flower shot. You can see some ripening pods on the right. These plants are really small and had a lot of pest damage so i had to trim them right down.

Here's what the pods look like


Here's what they looked like pre-pruning. Poor little fellas!

Any help would be most appreciated! Thanks!
They were not looking healthy champ !

Hope all is well now ?

Numex kind of some sort i think. ??? How hot against say tabasco sauce ?

Similar to my NUMEX SALSA: in the garden. (I am going to "bonsi" this one ! going start potting them down soon)


Yea they were in really bad shape! They have grown some new leaves which are nice and green as you can see in the top image, they were pretty damn yellow at first hah.
I'm going to use them as experimental plants to see what works best and how aggressive i can be with things like fertilizer :D . I gave them half strength tomato fert last week and they seemed to like that.
At the moment i've been watering 250ml twice a week which seems to be enough in this autumn weather.

I think about a rough match to tobasco sauce, not as hot as a good habanero sauce though i'd say.

I took some seeds out of a pod and planted them, they have sprung up after 2 weeks, it will be interesting to see how they develop with a bit of TLC, apparently my relatives just put the seeds in a planter-style pot and let them go on the verandah, LOL!
The bigger one on the left has about 8 flowers which are turning into pods, i'm not sure if this is a good idea for it seeing as the plant is 15cm tall at most.

Should i cut off all the flowers and unripe pods on both plants to try to encourage them to grow new branches and leaves?
Looks like something I grew last year. Variety was called 'Razzamatazz' (sp?)


Colour started green and in no particular order went cream, purple, orange and red.

Toleman said:
Looks like something I grew last year. Variety was called 'Razzamatazz' (sp?)


Colour started green and in no particular order went cream, purple, orange and red.


Ahhh! That could well be it. Fothergill seeds are avail in some places in Aus, and those pods look quite similar!

Sydtunes, it could be an ornamental, certainly size wise they are pretty small but that could just be because they were left to fruit so soon.
Mine remained very small - and I know what you mean by heat - I ate a ripe one whole and it was pretty damn hot!!!
rainbowberry said:
My first guess too.

I thought this was a possibility, but they don't have that blackish/purplish tinge to the leaves, and the pods arent quite as rainbow-ey as bol.rainbow pics i see :lol: . However i am growing 4 little bol.rainbows so i'll see soon hehe :lol: .

Thanks all!
they resemble the little elf's that I grew last year but the leaves seem to be a little larger than what I grew
