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What is this leaf curl from?

Why are my leaves curling? Is it calcium deficiency? Its happening on all my habaneros which is why i think its calcium problems, but i put bone meal into my potting mixture so im not sure. Any suggestions?

how often are you watering? peppers like to get completly dried out before being watered again. and leaf curl like you have looks to me like what my plants did whn i over watered them
Doesn't bone meal take a while to be converted into usable calcium for the plants though? Doesn't look like a Ca deficiency to me.
Yeah, bone meal takes a while to break down. From what I see there its only new growth thats doing it. Overwatering can cause that. but what is your ph? Im seeing lots of growers that ask "whats wrong?" without providing ph levels. Its much easier to tell whats going on with a ph level.
Im not sure the ph levels but i'll try watering less cause its probably that, i havent been letting them dry out enough. If not ill check the ph.
the best way i have found to water my plants is to use a chop stick and use it just like you are making brownies, if you pull it out and it feels damp of has soil stuck to it, then you dont need to water.if it is dry then water it. another thing i did was waited till the leaves slightly wilted, documented the day i watered on and wait till it wilted again and then i know how many days i can go, and i still check with the chop stick as it gets closer to the wilt date as sometimes they will need more or less.