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what kind of insects are these and are they dangerous to my plants?

Hi everyone,

I have another dilemma with my plants and leaves. I found these tiny little green bugs on the bottoms of a lot of my leaves on numerous chile plants. I'm a bit concerned they are going to damage my beloved chile plants. What are they and how do I get rid of them? They can fly also.

Theres a cluster of them on the bottom of the leave. Theres one bigger one near the top. A few bigger ones near the center.
I'm Panicking!!!!
Thanks in advance!
Aphids my friend!! Yes they are very bad for plants kill them all!!! Use lady bugs. I also recommend
I refuse to use pesticides, this spring i sprayed only with very dilute Murphys oil soap. The aphids were controled but not eliminated.
Soon ladybugs showed up and like magic there were no more aphids!
A sharp stream of water will kill them or you can use a mild soap and water mixture and spray on them.
Ladybugs are great but you can't make them stay where you want them.
Ok thanks everyone! I have to act fast!!!! There on 15 on my plants already!!! I'll use the soap and water technique until i can find a lady bug. Around here we have a lot of those chinese lady bugs that bite humans. Not sure if they will kill aphids also. The tricky thing will be to get the lady bugs to hop from one plant to the next since they are all in their own containers/pots and I have 25 of them. Time to KILL!!!!
My experience with lady bugs is that as long as you have them in the area, they will eventually find the aphids and eradicate them on their own. You can help them along by trying to move them onto the problem plants if you want, but the number of aphids in that photo is nothing to worry about. It's when you find huge clusters of them that you may want to push nature along to do her job...

The more you try to remove aphids by other means, the less likely the lady bugs will stick around... especially if you're spraying the plants with any sort of insecticide, natural or otherwise. What you really want is the larvae, and ladybugs need a food source to be attracted. I've seen people try to use ladybugs preemptively and it just doesn't work, they all fly off if they can't find sustenance on your plants...
My experience with lady bugs is that as long as you have them in the area, they will eventually find the aphids and eradicate them on their own. You can help them along by trying to move them onto the problem plants if you want, but the number of aphids in that photo is nothing to worry about. It's when you find huge clusters of them that you may want to push nature along to do her job...

The more you try to remove aphids by other means, the less likely the lady bugs will stick around... especially if you're spraying the plants with any sort of insecticide, natural or otherwise. What you really want is the larvae, and ladybugs need a food source to be attracted. I've seen people try to use ladybugs preemptively and it just doesn't work, they all fly off if they can't find sustenance on your plants...

Awesome info thanks. I just got this message unfortunatly as I just sprayed the hell out of all my plants leaves top and bottom. I used a tablespoon of dish soap with a cup of vegetable oil. Mixed all that in a solution. Then I put a tablespoon of that solution into a liter of water and put that into a water bottle. Then I sprayed and sprayed and sprayed!!!!! I'll work on getting some larvae in the next couple of days here.