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What kind of peppers am I growing

So I am growing peppers. LOTS of peppers. So many in fact that i didn't do a good job labeling the individual plants. Some are easy and obvious, others not so much. I ordered some bhuts, some Jay's peach, and other super hots. Here is the first unidentified specimen:
Hey everyone, thanks for the answers so far. I definitely didn't intentionally plant Tabasco peppers. I've got more pictures, as well as some similar looking plants I have next to it.







I know they are different, but those are the ones I cannot identify.
Ok by way of update, these are the plants I purchased that are now in question. I lost quite a few of them to heat / drought when I went out of town for a week and a half but I had 3 each of:
Chocolate Moruga Scorpion, Bhut De Nyde yellow, Naga Viper, TS Moruga Satan Strain yellow, 7 Pot Jonah red, and Moruga scorpion red.
The only one of those that looks even remotely similar to the plants you have is the Pimenta de Neyde from which the Bhut was bred and both the chilli's shape and the plant's colour are all wrong for that. The others are all chinense types and that plant isn't even close to a chinense.