What makes peppers bumpy?

Some of my scorpions are bumpy and some are not. The bumpy ones look mean for sure...I was just curious why some are and some are not. These pictures are all scorpions on different plants. All the bumpy are one one plant, the smooth on another. I haven't seen a mix on the same plant.

A little bumpy

Evil looking

I have the same thing with my carolina reapers, some are bumpy, some are pretty smooth (from the same plant). The heat level is the same for either (according to my mouth :). Not sure what the deal is, but I too would like to hear from somebody who can explain it.
I wonder about that also.  I think it's water intake and timing.  Slow and dry makes them bumpy.  An excess of water smooths them out given its the right time of development.  It sounded better in my head?
Genetics - Some could argue that the bumps were a natural defense for the fruit to gain more surface area in an attempt to cool the outer layer because it's internal heat was at near destructive levels. :mouthonfire:
I like the razor burn answer myself :drunk:
well, at least its easy to pick which one you will keep seeds from! lol
The evil looking one indeed looks evil :)
Good job