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What might this be??

Looks like some kind of an odd cross to me. Definitely not a Butch T, Moruga or anything like that, since the pods are WAAAY too smooth. As for a specific type. I can see a little bit of habanero thrown in there, but beyond that, I'm in the dark... I'll defer to others on this one...
smokemaster said:
Looks like 1 pod per node,an Annuum...cross of some kind.
Explains why I'm kinda stumped on this one.... never grew any annums :)
What is there to explain?
Habanero = C.Chinense ,not C.Annuum.
A couple vendors sell them too.
All say they are from pepper joe somewhere down the line,all are Annuums.
I've heard people say there is a C.Chinense also called Taz. Habanero,but the seeds I've gotten so far all were Annuums so far no matter what the source.
The first ones I grew were from joe's seeds...