What Pain Looks Like-


eXtreme Business
Just wanted to show what PAIN looks like- :lol:


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Just doing what I can to support the toilet tissue industry, justaguy!  :lol:
Oh Wow!  I think you should just start making some demands. Like, "I want a meelion dollars in unmarked..." uh um...
..Wait, this just in. The CIA would like to contact you, about a contract to blanket spray this stuff on terrorist.
Reminds me of the Toadies "Do You Wanna Die" :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Pfeffer said:
$10 bucks to charity if you can get Scovie to snort it when he is drunk.. ; -)
Have to video that!  Except Scovie's on to me.  I used to be able to get him with "It's not that hot....TRUST ME!"  But he knows better now~~~
I'm quite confident that that's related to the amount of alcohol in his blood. And it doesn't have to be the snorting of the whole lot.. a 15 drop ramen challenge would do as well.

I will even throw in a sixpack of beer to get that challenge going : -)
Where the hael is that @ssTag feature when I need it?     fug it I'll just shout, SCOVIE! these people think you're a cap horker! I think they're getting us confused again. You better get in here and tell them you wouldn't snort that stuff with a twenty foot piece of ABS. I on the other hand, will snort a tenth of a gram of the the 15mil for a $100,000 donation to whatever the foundation is, that brings cats and dogs to visit with kids suffering from leuk.  
I think some world leaders would welcome anthrax in the mail faster than this. I hear this is what New age blow torches will run on. I'm sweating just looking at the picture
Serious question- are there any HAZMAT or other special protocols needed for the production (if your doing that)/shipping of pictured products. I ask due to several times having ordered products through the mail years ago that could be and/or were categorized as 'possibly' being harmful or labeled an 'irritant' in which the offering company requested crazy HAZMAT shipping fees in case of damaged package/exposure to someone (cost was like 45 bucks!!).  I don't think this would be the case here. Such said companies were just covering themselves legally...understandably (especially post 9/11, the whole Anthrax debacle, etc..)

Awesome pics, brings a tear to the eye to those who can appreciate the beauty of such (and am sure also a run to the nose, a gaseous burp/cramp/uncommon backward wind, and a burning...well you know) Thanks for the the pictures!  :P
alchymystic- no special protocol, just good packaging.   
Thanks for the comments~ 
What the hell would one do with that 15 mil powder?  
Oh and Pfeffer, the ramen has been done.  Well, ten drops anyway, and NO, I am not doing it again with 15.
The 15mil is a Novelty item, it's not supposed to be injested. 
DeathTollsCorner did a YouTube of 10 drops of 14mil.  I figure 13 drops of 9.6 equals 10 drops of 14mil.  He got about 5 bites and then bailed....:lol: 
So far, JayT's the only one to complete the 10 drop challenge in one sitting.