What´s this pepper

Hello all! 
I would like to know what´s this pepper?
could you help me to identify it?
Thank you very much!


  • pepper.jpg
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It looks like it could be some type of habenero or something related.  But, I'm not sure.  Definitely looks like a capsicum chinense.
It would help to have some more information about it.
What's the heat level like?  Taste/aroma?  Pictures of the plant and flowers if you grew it.  Or if you didn't grow it, location of where you bought it, in case someone here lives near you.
Red Habanero would be my first guess and my second would be a Red Scotch Bonnet. The Calyx is pretty small, is it sweet and fruity or earthy and sweet? 


this little doggo is so smol he is barely bigger than 1 banana

this gecko is so smol it is barely 1 banana stem :)

TIL in Rio Bananas are small
and here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_equivalent_dose
we can learn that bananas are actually an accurate example of measuring something small   :cool:
while 1 banana is certainly not radioactive enough to be of concern, a truckload of bananas would set off meters designed to detect radiation.
I am still wondering if you have something for size reference. perhaps something more accurate than a banana even :)
josemarcoss said:
Maybe it´s the Scotch Bonnet, right?
Looks like a red hab to me.  Scotch Bonnets have a different "bonnet" shape, wider at the bottom and more narrow towards the top:

photo credit to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.  :)
I can speak from experience that Baker Creek' "Scotch Bonnets" are actually Jamaican Mushrooms, which is what is pictured above. Sounds and looks "Bonnety" enough, but it is actually an annuum and tastes more like a Jalapeño than a Scotch Bonnet.