seeds-germination What to do differently when germinating baccatum and chinense vs annuums?

Just wanted to syphon more knowledge from the capsicum brain trust….

I’ve had tremendous success with annuums for two decades but have never tried to sprout other species from seed. I’ve read enough to know chinense takes longer to sprout. I know nothing at all about baccatum except that 2/3 of the aji limons I put down 12-ish days ago in entirely crappy conditions sprouted with helmets. When removed one opened leaves but the other still has those leaf-tips touching - with a sewing-needle eye showing through.

Are there important additional steps with these species? I’ve seen some tips of “weak-acid” baths of tea or peroxide mentioned… any of the heavy-hitters have any clarifying advice? Or novices with some personal insight?
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I don't do anything differently when germinating baccatum and chinense seeds. If you are having a lot of helmet heads, then I suggest planting the seeds slightly deeper next time.

I’ve read enough to know chinense takes longer to sprout.

That is not always the case. Yes, superhot varieties sometimes seem to take forever to germinate. I think the longest I have had took about 6 weeks. But I have also seen chinenses sprout in less than a week. So the germination time can vary quite a bit. The first year I grew peppers, I initially started 21 different varieties, including annuums, baccatums, chinenses, a frutescens variety, and a frutescens x chinense cross. All of the seeds were sown on the same day. And the very first seedling to come up was a Black Fatalii (capsicum chinense).
I don't do anything differently when germinating baccatum and chinense seeds. If you are having a lot of helmet heads, then I suggest planting the seeds slightly deeper next time.

That is not always the case. Yes, superhot varieties sometimes seem to take forever to germinate. I think the longest I have had took about 6 weeks. But I have also seen chinenses sprout in less than a week. So the germination time can vary quite a bit. The first year I grew peppers, I initially started 21 different varieties, including annuums, baccatums, chinenses, a frutescens variety, and a frutescens x chinense cross. All of the seeds were sown on the same day. And the very first seedling to come up was a Black Fatalii (capsicum chinense).

Interesting… I will just continue to leroy-jenkins my way through it.

I soak mine overnight in a potassium nitrate solution. That softens them a bit so water penetrates better and speeds up germination. There are always stragglers but my average to most sprouting is around 10 days, first sprouts for almost all of them after 7.

Heat mats, too.
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Nothing different except maybe more patience with Chinese and Baccatum. They'll probably take longer than the annum. I also use a 30% solution of 30% H2O2 and distilled water as a soak. 2/3 water and 1/3 30% H2O2.
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Nothing different except maybe more patience with Chinese and Baccatum. They'll probably take longer than the annum. I also use a 30% solution of 30% H2O2 and distilled water as a soak. 2/3 water and 1/3 30% H2O2.
patience... can I buy some of that? Is there a kit? My stockpile was depleted roughly 2 years ago and has never rebounded.
patience... can I buy some of that? Is there a kit? My stockpile was depleted roughly 2 years ago and has never rebounded.
My wife always asks when going to the store if I can think of anything that I need while she's out. I usually say yes......patience.
  • Haha
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