preservation What to do with tepins?


It appears that nobody around here is interested in tepins. I grew them not because I have experience with them, but because I remember my (extended) family used them and talked about them and thought there might be enough transplants here in NC who would be interested. Bad call, apparently.

So I'm wondering what I should do with them? Are they good dried? Or better to freeze?
Dry them as a snack you can treat them like wasabi peas and mix with them some sweets like raisins etc.
Personally I'd dry them and crush them into recipes when cooking.
They are typically used either pickled green or dried red, and apparently the wild harvest is fairly valuable… I remember reading that large scale cultivation has been tried in Sonora, and it still happens a bit, but that consumers aren’t willing to pay as much for farmed chiltepins as wild.

They are typically used either pickled green or dried red, and apparently the wild harvest is fairly valuable… I remember reading that large scale cultivation has been tried in Sonora, and it still happens a bit, but that consumers aren’t willing to pay as much for farmed chiltepins as wild.
I'll have to try pickling some, didn't think of that!