seeds-germination What traits do you look for when choosing plants for seeds and crossing?

Asking because I ended up planting growing a lot (half a dozen which is a lot for me) of Primo x Purple Bhut plants this year. I didn't plan to keep so many, but these plants are just so vigorous and beautiful. But since they are F3, no two plants are the same. Some are have purple/green leaves, some are just green, some are early bloomers, some are bushy, some are tall, some have very thick trunks, some have purple flowers and some have white. I want to stabilize the strain, and maybe try crossing with my BTR Scorpion or Douglah, but space constraint will prevent growing every combo next year.

I realize I can't ID my favorite plants until I have ripe fruit, but by then it will be too late for me to select plants for crossing/isolation.

What kind of traits do you prioritize when you save seed or make crosses?
The heat and flavor of the pods are my highest priority. The best tasting ones are the genetics that I most want to grow.
Other considerations for me are the productivity and general hardiness of the individual plants, and finally cosmetic considerations like cool looking pods or plants. 
It sounds like you are seeing a lot of variation this generation. I would just select for the genetic traits that you like the best, then keep trying to select for similar traits each generation to hopefully strengthen the desired genetic traits in your cross. So for example if you decide to favor purple leaves over green leaves this generation, try to do the same in later generations as well to further strengthen that trait. But there are no right or wrong choices; just look at this as an opportunity to try to steer your cross into paths of your choosing.
Correct, if I had time to taste and select plants afterwards I would do so.
That said, I also find BlackFatalii's post very insightful.
What I have gleaned from reading here (as you know I don't grow) is visual traits can be very important as well. If the variety of jalapeno is best with a lof of corking pick those with a lot of corking, and pick prominent distinguishing traits, like a scorpion with a pronounced stinger (tail) instead of a nub, etc.
Yep..I've already got pollen bags on the prettiest ones :)
Wish I could preview the flavor though...with the plants being as varied as they are I have a feeling the pods are going to be all over the place!
I'm chasing the heat and flavour. If they don't match I take another pod even it's not the best shape. I'll also take for consideration production and maturing speed. Also if I see very unusual shapes I'll save the seeds. I'm still waiting my first crossing to happen. I'm growing bought unknow cross Borg 9 x. I got F2 seeds and now I'm growing F4 plant. Need to stabilize this first. It's gonna be difficult because I can only grow two chilies at the same time. Probably I have now off pheno growing and its still interesting. 
Karpasruuti said:
I'm chasing the heat and flavour. If they don't match I take another pod even it's not the best shape. I'll also take for consideration production and maturing speed. Also if I see very unusual shapes I'll save the seeds. I'm still waiting my first crossing to happen. I'm growing bought unknow cross Borg 9 x. I got F2 seeds and now I'm growing F4 plant. Need to stabilize this first. It's gonna be difficult because I can only grow two chilies at the same time. Probably I have now off pheno growing and its still interesting. 
Why can you only grow two chillies at the same time? Where do you live?
podz said:
Why can you only grow two chillies at the same time? Where do you live?
Apartment. Two windows is only to the east but another is covered becuse my PC is behind it. I have balcony too but no windows and very windy area and it get full sun only couple hours a day. I can summer time grow four chilies. Two chilies is now under LED lights. I could double the space for four plants I haven't done that yet. A small place but effective. Super hot chilies start fruiting after 2,5 months. That is only 80 days after they are potted. I start my counter after seed is germinated and potted. 
Karpasruuti said:
Apartment. Two windows is only to the east but another is covered becuse my PC is behind it. I have balcony too but no windows and very windy area and it get full sun only couple hours a day. I can summer time grow four chilies. Two chilies is now under LED lights. I could double the space for four plants I haven't done that yet. A small place but effective. Super hot chilies start fruiting after 2,5 months. That is only 80 days after they are potted. I start my counter after seed is germinated and potted. 
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