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What would cause this?

Howdy all,

Quick question. I have a manzano seedling that is beginning to curl upwards. Here is a photo of it.


It's placed about a half-inch to an inch from my lights. It was doing that when the soil was very dry also. I just watered it before this photo.

What would cause this?

The only time I've seen it is when one of my Bhuts got a little to dry but it straightened back out after a bit of water. My Fatalii on the other hand did this even when the soil was damp, and it proceeded to die. I have my lights about 2-3 inches from mine so I can't say that I think it was the heat from the lights. I did investigate the root area of the Fatalii after it died and it looked like the main root was stunted in growth. My only guess on mine was that it was the lottery of the seed or possibly a bit colder soil could have caused it, as all my other Fataliis look fine compared. I don't heat my germinating seeds from the bottom like most i have read do because my seedling grow area has a average temp of 79F - 83F and I don't want to cook them. Hope this helps.
I think the seedling is getting just a bit too much heat off the lamps. In your photo, the seedling in the corner is sitting a bit lower, and perhaps slightly further away from the heat. Looks perfect! Try rotating the tray to the seedlings benefit depending on growth. Best thing about starting indoors is being able to move your field around.
i notice simlar leaf curl on some plants when they are in the window to long right now..
I Think last year i thougth i had sick plants.. but now im thinking to much not sun in the summer... if thats possible.. lol.