What would you mix & add???

After 2 years of disappointing results, I’d like to return to the Camp of Happy Growers!
This year I lost lot of overwintered peppers and don’t know the cause. They just suddenly died. So, I thought fck it, I start a new round and although it is very late, I sowed some seeds, bought seedlings from Austria and I’m trying to save what’s left from the growing season.
I bought air pruning pots, and limited my varieties.
Yesterday I bought 2 cubic meters of extremely light & fine compost (I was told that straight it can produce 7ft+ tomatoes in 3 gallon buckets) and have the following stuff and amendments:
- 200 liter peat
- 60 liter rabbit poop
- 30 liter Terrasol sheep manure compost
NPK 2.5/1.9/5.0
- 320 liter coarse perlite
- 240 liter pine fine (Scots pine); netto less, as it needs sifting
- 25 liter EWC
- 100 liter Cofuna organic microbial fertilizer
82% marc, 10% poultry manure, 3% milled dolomite, 5% Biopost Bp3 inoculant (4×109/g active microorganisms)
pH 7.0-7.5
The spectrum of its bacterial/fungal flora is proteinolytic, ligninolytic, pectinolytic and cellulolytic (it can break down these) and has nitrogen-fixing bacteria too. High enzyme, vitamin and auxin content. It can multiply the nitrogen uptake if you combine it with other fertilizers. The Hungarian Cofuna is different from the original French recipe and utilizes marc instead of oil cakes and seaweed.
- 15 kg Alginite http://www.mineralholding.hu/ipariasvanyok/en/alginite.html
- 1 kg mycorrhizae (endo-ecto combo)
- 15 kg Memon Orgevit
Chicken manure pellets
NPK 4/3/2.5
- 4 kg Memon Siforga
25% molasses, 60% chicken manure, 7% feather meal, 8% bone meal
NPK 5/3/8
- DCM Greens organic fert 750 g
NPK 6/3/12 +2MgO
38% organic matter: blood meal, hair meal, degelatinised bone meal, bone meal, horn meal, hoof meal, feather meal, cocoa husk meal, soy oil cake meal, vinasse extract
- DCM Strawberry organic fert 750 g
NPK 6/5/10
48% organic matter: blood meal, degelatinised bone meal, bone meal, meat&bone meal, hoof meal, feather meal, cocoa husk meal, soy oil cake meal, grape seed cake meal, vinasse extract, wet vinasse extract
- 1 liter Puccioni Ascot (pretty much the best seaweed emulsion you can buy here in Hungary)
Macerated Ascophyllum nodosum, Sargassum spp. 95%
+ Aloe vera, cytokinins, gibberellins, auxins, mannitol, laminarin, alginic acid, amino acids, vitamins
- 1 liter Bio Plantella VRT seaweed extract
Ascophyllum nodosum extract
- 2 liters Agro CS Natura
Molasses and mineral phosphate-based organic fertilizer
NPK 3.5/1.7/4.8
pH 5.5
Soil prep 0.8-1.6 liter/10 liter water; normal dosage 15 ml/1-3 liter water
- 5 liters Biofluid organic plant-specific liquid nute
NPK 1-2.5/0.8-2.0/1-2 + micro trace elements
- 0.5 liter BioBizz Bio Grow
Beet vinasse based organic fert
NPK 4/3/6
- 1 liter Humus FW 2000% humic acid preparate
(one of my Paetermissum seedlings can grow true leaves WITHOUT cotyledons thanks to this)
Organic matter 15.0 m/m% (extremely finely milled brown coal from Dudar, Hungary; called Dudarit, with 62% humic acid content)
Dry matter 18.0 m/m%
Humic acid 12.0 m/m%
Density 1.07 kg/dm3
pH          9.5 +/-0.5
K2O        5.0 m/m%
Ca          0.5 m/m%
Mg          0.05 m/m%
Fe           0.10 m/m%
Mn         0.001 m/m%
Zn           0.0005 m/m%
- Bactofil B powder (10 g for 200 square meters)
Azospirillum lipoferum
Azotobacter vinelandii
Bacillus megaterium
Bacillus circulans
Bacillus subtilis
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Micrococcus roseus
I’m all ears listening to your opinions!
TIA guys!
sounds great but i do fine with , perlite , manure, farvards . keep it simple works great , a drop of bone meal and mag in the bottom . they grow great ! oh and rain water .      :onfire:
Well, let me clarify first. The mentioned stuff is just what I have at home. I don't wanna mix a super umpteen-ingredient soil; I like to keep it simple myself.
But what would YOU guys choose from these?
My mix would look like compost, perlite, rabbit manure, mycorrhizae and the DCM slow release bags. From the sheep compost and the Cofuna I'm gonna make teas, use the kelp as a foliar/regular and I'm gonna make fish hydrolysate (Blendtec rules). That's it.